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Monday, August 2, 2004

August 2, 2004

           JZ and I took the late afternoon off and drove his truck to the country fair. Despite my upbringing, I don't relate farming or country living to most of what happens at the fair. The fact is, I like the midway and the rides and the ridiculously expensive food. JZ, who can only tell the age of a chicken by the teeth, always makes a bee-line for the stock show. Again, chickens, rabbits, geese, goats, and huge cows. You may find repeat photos here, because repetition is inevitable in a blog of this duration. And ten years ago was, blog-wise, ancient history.
           In another part of the grounds, we found a pig race. Hilarious, particularly when some of the pigs decide not to follow the leader. I know I took pics of that, but can't find them. We went to the big auditorium and watched a series of fancy rollerskating exhibitions. And some acrobats from Russia. Alas, we arrived late in the day and missed many or most of the featured acts.
           The fair has big city prices. We spent $40 each in no time. There is also a business exhibition hall where free samples abound. Oh no, don't tell JZ about free samples. It is interesting, as you get quite a cross-section of, what's the word, subjects? I skipped the foot massages, the mango drying machine, and the jewelry made from soapstone.
           The remaining hall of the big southside auditorium is displays from school children vying for prizes. Mostly models and dioramas, but these reflect the shallow and ego-centric nature of public education. You pick it up everywhere, they are being taught all the misconceptions about history re-written to political correctness.