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Sunday, August 15, 2004

August 15, 2004

           No Hurricane Charley. It says here JZ and I went to the Titanic Lounge. I thought it being near a university, it might have some of the old spirit and clientele from my days on campus. Nope. Far be it from me to say that college students don't party like they used to. Nothing will ever stop beer busts but the activity has relocated from my day. The reason is likely that just before I went to university, there was a wave go through the USA of lowering the drinking age to 18. Myself, I was two months past 18 when that happened. And there was a huge "beer drinking condominium" near the student residence.
           Here's a picture of the hurricane that wasn't. The storm swung up the Florida west coast and broke up without all the terrible damage predicted by every last Florida radio and TV station incessantly over the past ten days. Just so you know, it is illegal to overcharge Florida residents for hurricane or other emergency supplies, so everyone here leaves everything to the last minute.

           When a real storm ever hits this place, it is going to be worse than a disaster. What I mean by illegal, all you'd have to do is buy a thousand sheets of plywood. Then the day before the storm when all the lumber yards run out, start selling them for a $1,000 each. And get arrested. Florida is full of laws that protect the stupid and lazy.
           By condominium, the state had recently passed another law that the big beer halls holding up to 300 students, had to be subdivided. It was a sad day for America. The halls put chintzy dividers between every 50 chairs and canceled the live music. Still, the big venues were popular for years later. There was nothing classy about them, they were legal party houses and I went out every weekend. About a third of the babes I scored with in my life were during that stretch.

           Anyway, I hunted around and found a photo of the typical college lady from my day. This one would be considered "popular" but not especially all that great. But one thing you knew back then, it wasn't silicon, it had no tattoos, and you were always one of the first. They had tan lines and you knew they were not "cheerleaders".
           Most I dated were decent farm girls away from home for the first time and I was the only "sane" person they met since they arrived. That, and I had the only single (no roomie) room on campus. You might not believe this, but I let many a gal stay in my room just to get away from the insanity. They'd come knocking on my door.

           Wait, there's more. Other than that weird Dutch lady who flirted with the psychology prof, there were no single mothers on campus. I will say that there were ugly feminist types, but they were the older, hardened cases, the leftovers. They were called "grizzlies". The campus enrollment was 50/50 men to women, but back then professional students were rare and considered an older bunch. Silence would descend on a room when one of them walked into a house party. The average age was 20.5 years and I never saw a stretch mark until the year after I left university.
           Back to the Titanic, I'd heard they had entertainment. They didn't. Nor were there many students in the place, unless you count senior year sorority sisters--and we all know what's with women who finally wind up unmarried by their fourth year of post-secondary. Also, the prices were way out of line although it is a micro-brewery and has an extensive variety. But I couldn't find one that tasted like beer.

           [Author's note: 2014, we never did return there. Although I rate the place as an upscale lounge, JZ felt out of place there. I can see it, as he went to school in the 70s like I did. The women showed up in groups of three, all ball-crushers, not at all the total babe style back when college was college. Back when women went to college to get married and quickly found out if they were ever going to have any fun in life, this was their last chance before it became adultery. The dorm I stayed in was nicknamed "The Sin Bin".

           In fact, college today reminds me of the lyrics to "Your're So Vain" where she says, "You had me several years ago when I was still quite naive". Lady, that was the biggest part of your charm and the last time you did it for fun.

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