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Monday, August 16, 2004

August 16, 2004

           What tastes like beer? Budweiser, that's what. On the farm we made our own beer and it was terrible. Forget what you've heard about home-made, most of it occurred because we didn't have the money for anything better. So I remember the first time I tasted store-bought beer and it was Budweiser. That, I said to myself, is a "hunnert" times better than anything I could make myself.
           I've likely mentioned it elsewhere, so I won't list the few types of hard liquor I've tasted. I don't like it. I'm also heavily influenced by the wild stories from my youth that alcoholics progressed from beer to whiskey. I know that's ridiculous. But it does not help that most of the hard liquor drinkers I ever knew did it to get drunk. I drink beer, but not to get schnorked, rather to socialize.

           I tend to sip beer rather than guzzle it, but then again, don't hand me a brew right after I just spent the afternoon fixing a motorcycle. A big evening for me has always been four bottles over just under three hours. The beer also has to be chilled overnight. Yes, there is a difference. Otherwise just the bottle gets cold. And I like my beer in the original, freshly-uncapped bottle, not out of some community glass. Oh, they washed it, did they?
           I don't know what era this tequila poster is from, but I agree with the message. You have to be some kind of weird to like the taste of that stuff. Now, if you think my attitude that hard drinkers think beer people have no taste, well, those same people think they are classier. Really, people who drink hard liquor think they are more refined than those who drink beer or wine. And how stupid is that?

           And while on the topic, I don't like wine either. I don't see it as a sophisticated accompaniment to food. Nope, don't see it that way at all. I understand this may be an allergy to crushed grape skins, but most wine gives me a slight hangover. When I drink wine, I like the grape-tasting brands and I like them chilled. Those who say that is wrong, well, who told you that? Because you know how much I think of people who do what they are told.

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