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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

January 9, 2007

           [Author's note: this posting sounds disconnected, but it was no using speech software. It jumps around, but that often happens when I write on a bus or something equally distracting. I was on a diet that was making me uncomfortable.]

           Our new lady with the million dollar ranch out west has been exposed. It seems she told the same story to Dickens but kind of forgot the address when he asked to go take a look at the place. I spent the early morning over at Panera, who have finally solved their horrid lineup problem by training all the staff to work the tills, and to give it priority. Now they make more money and have my business back (temporarily). This rare photo shows a Floridian wearing a jacket due to the cool weather. For details, check your weather listings.
           Ruth never called [as expected] so it was a day in the shop doing a number of chores, included, I am sad to report, placing an ad for another vocalist-guitarist. I have to look out for my own interests and I do not believe that Brian has been putting in anything like the hours needed to create a duo. If he is just going along to see how things progress on their own, he is missing a golden opportunity to take advantage of forty years of my experience.
           I advertised for a less than perfect guitarist with a good voice, since I know I can make up for bad guitar playing. The ads went into the local music stores and Internet, on Craigslist. ( This is a local based database that lists dozens of great categories by large cities. That is how I contacted the people in China. It is a great premise and I really hope it puts a dent in eBay and Monster, who have both been vastly overstepping their positions and have done what they can to drag the Internet back into the dark ages of American bureaucracy. (This paragraph does not make it clear what database I am referring to.)

           It was cool all day, but fantastic for biking. Why, did I walk five miles again? Yes, the tube did not stay inflated. I walked over to the bike store near Johnson and Federal, well almost. A friendly man from Connecticut stopped and gave me a lift the last mile. He had a bike rack and, not being from Florida, stopped to help. I purchased a heavy duty tube, I did not have one on the rear tire. They call this a “thorn-proof” tube but dot not explain why the exact same thorns out west don’t attack your tire on cemented county roads.
           That was the day, except for sitting around watching movies in the evening. Old movies from the 60s released on DVD. I told you, I’ll have a happy old age because I did not spend my youth watching this junk.
           Last, because it is unusual and for those of you who follow such things, the “Big Diet”. This is day three and yes, I have every result beginning but without losing any significant weight. JZ does not know about this round, his suggestion to fake a story to the pill companies was based on poundage already lost. The diet is basically a restriction to 500 calories of extremely healthy food per day and a step up of exercise. Hardly any magic there, folks.

           Here are the symptoms, outside of harsh, dizzy-brain hunger. For the first time since I can ever remember, my cheeks have slight hollows. Why, it is almost youthful. My neck has trimmed right up, I no longer have a double chin when I pull my face back. In the mornings, I naturally carry myself better and I look totally healthy. Downside? Well, my skin is loose and definitely tending to wrinkles wherever there was weight loss. That includes around my eyes and throat. I may have to live with that, I mean, what can you do? I know – stand back another two feet.
           This is making light of people with their own weight problems, and I spot an opportunity to get in a dig here. Allow me: Take heart, because no, not everyone can do it. Regimentation and self-control are the tickets, along with a champion-grade dedication to exercise. Don’t listen to people with the old “if I can do it anybody can” argument. In reality, most of them are too weak-minded and lazy to even get this far.

          There, end of dig. Ha! I am the past-master of doing the impossible. “I can change anybody’s life except my own.”

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