Sure enough, the CIA guy cancelled our 9:00AM an hour early. Not y’day before I set the alarm and crashed early. Noooooo. At least we now know he is too flakey to rely on for any work, I advised him again that I could teach him how to word process, but I would not do it for him (which is what he wants and needs).
I also called the $125 place up north and got the skinny on vending in Florida. The guy reports that he sells truckloads (48 units) because the sold manufacturers own the paying routes in this area and do not (I cannot recall the term [he used], disperse, dispense, distribute) any used machines, they destroy them. That might explain why there were only two used units for sale in a 150-mile radius search.
The laughable part is the vending machine regulations. You can get a $250 fine if anybody reports you operating a machine without a registration sticker, nothing funny about that. However, it is the wording of the law – it shows the typical degenerate, uneducated sort of people who come to constitute the non-elected authority unless you weed them out. For those who don’t know the history, I visited India back in the 80s, it was an eye-opener because the country is run by the worst excesses of Asian corruption and British bureaucracy. It is sordid beyond anything I can describe.
Well, Florida has the same symptoms. In this case, instead of hiring somebody with brains to write the law, they keep tacking on clauses. This gives the reader excellent clues as to who beat them before, because after a while these clauses become too difficult to understand – and the courts rely on and support such law. For example, they define the operator of a vending machine in four different ways, including someone who maintains the inventory and [removes] the receipts. So technically, the minimum wage Mexican you hire is the operator and could legally sell your machines. Laughable.
Instead of simply saying a vending machine dispenses anything in return for negotiable value, they list at least six items, and word it as if these items themselves dispense the product instead of the machine. Also, it says that the machine must provide “tangible” personal property, to which they now have to tack on that tangible is “in any manner perceptible to the senses”. Somebody obviously bested them on juke boxes. It is always humorous to see such a gang of idiots in action.
Nonetheless, since Dickens is already registered to collect sales tax, it is a simple matter of registering him as the owner of the machines. That’s the machines I have not yet found. I have some news from China. Sean sends me two emails per day. He is right on top of processing the orders, I had to slow him down and tell him to hold back until I had a chance to “meet with my people”.
This turned out to be important because Ruth does not have a true master plan. After instructing me to go all out to make this contact, she did not inform me that she was also negotiating a separate deal with a friend of the family, and has apparently been doing that deal for some time now. Thus, I have to now inform Sean that his services may not be required, and I will do that very soon because I know that he easily took a half day or more of his own time and went looking for those dog mannequins. Further, he did so based on the strength of my sincere belief that if he found them, we would buy them depending on price. This is just not the way I do business and all I can do is make sure he understands that, for what good it does now.
This is why, as a rule, I do not work for others. I disagree with certain business practices which are just plain wrong. Ruth could have told me that there was another supplier but she waited to do so until after I followed up the contact. True, she was not under any obligation to tell me, but that is my point. That was wrong. Now I get the feeling that this kind of thing happens all the time over there and I will be more than cautious about nearly everything.
I rode all the way back to the Thrift, as I’d forgotten my flash drive. Dickens was there and we wound up trying to get a donated MP3 player working. I suspect the old HP cannot pick up the unit. That would be the second time I’ve seen that formerly unheard of problem since a week ago. Then, I tested it with my camera and that won’t appear either. While this was going on, I downloaded some Bob Marley tunes because I am finally going to learn those bass lines.
From there I went directly to Dania Beach and got a flat tire a mile north of HWB, a pizza café I used to play at last year. Never made any money, but who ever does with the G. Who is still missing in action, along with his car. I talked to the owner [of the cafe] momentarily, who has agreed to give us [my new duo] a listen. I also got into a convo with a Japanese lady who did not appear to see me as any different than the locals. Somebody that non-perceptive is likely a bad risk to start with, but oh well.
I got over to the area where they rent the beach cars and the young black kid let me use their pump. It was a thorn puncture. He also reports business is down and that they only have six of the cars available for the whole beach, where before they had twenty. These cars are four-wheel bicycles and cost $2,500 each.
That’s all folks. I’m cranking up the bass and Bob Marley. Unless he was the bass player, I doubt he ever played anything I’d go out and buy. These were Limewire specials. First a pot of coffee, and then down to music. Hasta manana.
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