It was a glorious day even by Florida standards. I stopped in for a Latino breakfast on Federal Highway and actually put up with the noisy clientele. I biked all the way downtown and then over to Fred’s.
This is a tale from the trailer court. The landlady, who paid for the new unit, reported the theft to the police. The police wanted the serial number, so she called the installer for said information. The installer says it is not stolen. It was repossessed. Are you with me here? It goes like this.
The installer puts in the unit, then goes to the landlady’s office for payment later same day. The payment clerk is on holidays. The installer cannot wait until even Monday to be paid – he does not have enough of a margin to allow for that. Welcome to Florida, where a contractor likely does not have the cash float to last through a single weekend. There was no question of credit or ability to pay, only that the bastard could not make it to Monday.
I am most amused by the hours of work required to swap the two units. It so typifies the situation in Florida. Personal time and effort is not as important as immediate hard cash. It likely cost him more to pull this stunt than to trust an established business for a couple of days.
A couple came in today for repairs and were quite taken by the toothpick display. It turns out they are members of some committee that is seeking a project “that produces definable results for the community”. I was quick to point out that I was already teaching music to teenagers and that I could handle group classes. The plan now seems to be that they get funding and set up the deal, I will teach the kids to play in a band
To the library, or the Florida version of it. Libraries here are another “community” thing – they discourage you from reading unless you live nearby. I’ve never heard of such a ridiculous attitude until I arrived in Florida. Sure, other places may have the rule, but it is not in the forefront like it is here. You are not allowed to use the index unless you become a member.
They enforce this rule by making sure you can’t get the information any other way. You must stand in line and get the lazy clerk at the counter to look it up for you. There was an argument going on, some dude had ordered a book a week ago on some lending program. They could not find any record of the book, but they sure found the record that he owed them $8.00 in late fees. That record they had instantly. Now even library fees, once a deterrent, are now a source of revenue.
I finally said to hell with it and rode over to Guitar Center. They sold me a $100 guitar. A Chinese-made flat-top Squire. The proof is right there that high-quality is now being produced nearly everywhere except the US of A. My estimate that this guitar built in an American factory with maternity leave and safety posters would cost four times as much.
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