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Monday, February 26, 2007

February 26, 2007

           This morning I picked up the new computer at Fred’s and went over to install it at the wig shop. Minor problems with the network, for example the new equipment is USB, the old equipment used RJ-45s. I was an hour late all day, but wait, I can explain.
           The door on the dryer fell open. I put my wet clothes in the dryer and came back here for coffee. When I went back, my clothes were still wet. The door latch popped open just enough to trip the safety mech. Thus, I plugged in more quarters, shoved a heavy chair against that door and went over to the Argentina place for an extra coffee.
           I checked out an “octaver”, a device which drops the bass octave into the deep mud range. It does not seem to have the same guts as a similar model I used twenty years ago. I’m seeking to solve the problem of a distinct increase in treble once I move above the G octave. For clarity, I mean that above that note, my bass becomes inconsistent in the way it handles the wave form. Equalizing does not work well enough, nor does the single preset knob in this foot pedal.

           I also checked out a five string bass, where the extra string in a B below the E, the only arrangement that makes sense to me. These expensive instruments are all full size and also full weight. Part of the reason I got rid of my excellent Peavy bass was the over-balancing of the neck. You had to literally hold the neck up for the entire gig. The only way to counterbalance it was making the body heavier, an even worse option. Oddly, weight is not an issue on bass sounds (I’ll pit my custom Danelectro against almost anything) so you cannot explain to me why they make basses that heavy.
           Find another picture of my Fender Squire here. I’ve been sorting through a steady array of PA systems, and it seems hard to find one that just does the basics. Three equalizers and a volume knob per channel, maybe some reverb. I admit, I have no idea what an effect loop in/out jack is for, but neither does anyone else I’ve ever met. Some units have a combined channel, which must be nothing more than stereo inputs.
           I’m still doing Su Doku puzzles. I’m up to the stage rated “diabolical” in the booklet I bought around six months ago. I rate the book as “non-proofread” because some of the puzzles near the end are un-doable. Although paired triplets still slow me down, I know how to investigate every possibility. The puzzles are wrong and they plainly did not expect many people to get that far. It is still very challenging to take them to that stage, so I’m solving them anyway.

           My research on cholesterol (no, I do not have a cholesterol problem) indicates that brown rice can lower risk. I’m leery of such claims, but I feel non-meat foods at least are not contributors to heart problems. So I buy a big bag without reading the label. What difference does color make? Now I know. It takes 45 minutes just to steam brown rice. It should carry a warning sticker! I’m making up for it by cooking larger quantities at once.
           The extra time waiting for the water to boil let me tackle Lodi, by CC Revival. I never cared for the song, to me it is another ballad of the tough music business. What would television be like, if say, diesel mechanics sang about their tribulations? Or dentists – what if they sang about impacted molars? I was once actually in Lodi to see what was there (see earlier posts). I can understand that nobody wants to be stranded in such a place.

           Taking the song apart to find the dance-beat on the bass, I hear definite guitar riffs. Most people don’t notice them until someone [like me] points them out. It took close to two hours to get a pattern that fits without any clashing root-fifth combinations. I’ve got it all down pat and memorized, and I still don’t like the song. The other tune I’m working with is that “Drift Away”. You want to hear guitar riffs on the bass – listen to the chorus on that. The tune also typifies the major differences between “dancing” music and “listening” music. But for Jane, I would reject this song for dragging on and too slow to keep sober people interested.
           That is it for today. Let’s see if I can liven up the party. Rice is ready! Brown rice is out. It has a more “wheat-like” flavor. No? Okay, let me read your blog so I can compare. Meanwhile, it is already 7:00 PM, dark outside, and no sign of JZ showing up for band practice. It is also unusually hot and humid weather. Plus, remember that nail that was in his front tire two months ago? It still is. I would generally say he is not going to arrive. I may even look to see what is on TV.

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