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Wednesday, November 8, 2006

November 8, 2006

           Never mind why, but I swear that CD technology is still a poor substitute for backup storage. There are still too many glitches in the whole thing, it is not good enough for most critical tasks. Maybe it is the burners or software, who cares? It lets you down.
           What, this picture? It is a dog mannequin wearing a blond wig with extensions. If you don’t know what it is all about, time to go back and read the last month or so. Suffice to say that this picture represents a lot of lost time for Ruth. It also reminds me that I am one of the most un-artistic people in the world.
           I have to criticize, because somebody crossed the line. Without placing blame, we had a lady help out today that did not have more than a clue how to produce graphics on a computer. Thus, Ruth was treated to the ridiculous spectacle of me instructing an artist how to draw on a computer because I could not draw myself. When it was over for the day, Ruth asked how this could possibly have just happened. I’ll say it one more time, “There are a lot of people who think they know a lot about computers until they meet someone like me.”

           It was sad, but the lady who volunteered to draw the logo appeared to not have any idea what the following meant: kerning, spacing, leading, layers, font-weight, padding, margins, borders, wrap points, scaling, overlaps, grouping, ungrouping and countless other art and typesetting skills. Yet, until she met me [over the phone] she would have sworn under oath that she knew how to draw a picture with a computer.
           Worse, she used MS Publisher, which has severe limitations, the worst of which is that the same file can look different on two computers. Many hours were wasted because she did not know you had to save a file before you could email somebody the changes. Nor did she understand the difference between save and save as. While she meant well, it is proof that computers are superb at making people think they know something. She did not even know what a gif file was. At the end, I politely indicated to her that she required two to three years of training to be able to do what she had promised.
           I did not get home until after dark. Some students and ex-students called, so many people have noticed I’m not in the shop lately. One guy wanted to trade me some Donald Trump lectures for lessons. I picked up supplies at Oakwood Plaza and noticed an excellent DVD player for $29.99. I believe that is on my list, so look for it here soon. [I have a list of electronic products that I buy to test if they have certain features and drop below a cutoff price.]
           For example, the Brother scanner and the DXG digital camcorder. Both were good enough to replace whatever went before, but are far from perfect. The Brother will not scan to the edges of the glass, the DXG uses the totally extraterrestrial “ASF” format. I would probably not have bought either if these facts had been clear. I wanted to sit in my French chair and read tonight, but it is already 12:34 AM. Adios.
           Er, I meant, Adieu.

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