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Thursday, November 9, 2006

November 9, 2006

           A flat tire (on the Taurus) got me off to a late start. The good news is the cheap can of puncture seal worked just fine. The hole was right on the seam between the tread and sidewall making me a half-hour late over to the wig store. Of course, I took in the pictures, since the old flat tire story sounds too phony.
           I have a question for you. What is the difference between a gimp and a handicapped person? Easy, the handicapped person accepts that there is a limit to how much money can be spent re-shaping the world for their benefit. Never mind what brought that on. I believe most people deserve a break, but I do not believe anyone has a right to insist on special treatment all the time. (I forget what brought this on, but it was likely somebody blocking the path.)

           I got a series of letters and records done for Ruth today. She is still leery of letting people work alone on the computer. I say that because she tends to watch everything I do on the computer, but that could also be because she is learning, or at least formulating a good idea of how long things really take. It is usually longer than she allows for when she is not watching.
           She is not ready for the quantum leap to databases, yet that is precisely what is needed, and [database is] the only way to run an international operation in the space she has available. Everything has to be exact or cost big money to fix later. I am a firm believer in the way ITT runs their overseas operations. (If you are not sure of what I mean, study the rise of that company under Behn and Geneen. They are the two masterminds behind mergers and the use of a service industry to bypass government interference. If you think ITT and ATT are the same company, then you have no idea what I am talking about.)
           There are no database structures over there, this is 100% new territory, but there was a demonstration of the exactitude of a properly run system today. There was no central list of the different models of dog wigs. I created one [list, not database] to keep track of the models as Indonesia can be careless with spelling. Although Ruth is at the stage of logical disbelief, I predict she will be a solid backer of the database if, and that is a big if, she allows me to develop one for tracking the system.

           I hear you asking, what is “logical disbelief”? It is a phrase I conceived [in 1984] to describe the phase one must get through to move from human logic to computer logic. Some people cannot make the transition. Consider today’s situation. I was able to tell Ruth with unshakable confidence that there was a duplicate wig in the list somewhere. The human mind dictates that I cannot say that without knowing where the duplicates are. But human logic has a severe limitation, for computer logic is far more flexible. It will accept the seemingly illogical, and right when you least expect it.
           I could not say where the duplicates existed, only that it did. I could further say that there was one and only one duplicate. However, I could not find it without more information. I hear some people thinking that the human mind could take over at this point, but they are wrong. Humans always assume too much, and that is not an exaggeration. On the other hand, I would need more data to decide which of the duplicates constitutes the duplicate, or whether it was both or neither. That is correct, they could both be wrong. I have never, in my life, met a human who naturally understands this.
           By going back through the emails, it was determined one of the wigs had two names, but was the same article. Ruth, while not convinced, now certainly understands that my skill at running an office is independent of what the office produces. From there, I stopped off at Al’s to fix his computer.
           It was an unplugged power cable. Plus, I ran the cables through a series of plastic hoses, which got them up off the floor and looking neater. Then I repaired the problem with the television wireless headphones. I was so happy, I’ve included an extra photo of me sipping on coffee at the café this morning. Easiest $50 I ever made in my life.

           Later, I drove over to the theater for the movie screening. I already forget the name of the movie because it was not that great. That actor Black playing another role that casts himself as an unappreciated rock star. A pudgy, overweight unappreciated rock star. The best scene was some preppies, oh, they were cute, but he could not resist a scene where they found old, bald men attractive. Face it, I am the only type of old bald man that women of any age could like, I mean, let’s stick with believability here.
           On the way there, I grabbed supper at that new Wild Bean Café on Sheridan. The smallest coffee is 16 oz, so right there I will not return. That, and because a quick bite and coffee cost me $5.44. Time was short, so I bought a sandwich, or actually a half of a sandwich called a “Chicken wrap”. While wrapped in pita bread, it may be called that because you cannot take off the wrapper while driving your car. When you finally get the wrapper off, most of the sandwich moves onto your lap. If I’d known it was going to cost so much, I would have gone to a salad bar. Easiest $5.44 they ever made in my life.

           Dang, it is midnight again. I’ll scan a few bizcards and play some bass. The main difficulty of being poor is that making money takes so damn much of your time.

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