Wallace and I were in the shop all morning taking care of Internet matters. Earlier, we were at Senor Café for the special, where Wallace, the master drywaller, took a dim view of the partition you see here. Note the ribs and dents in the third-rate job? He certainly saw them.
The list is virtually identical to Barry U, and the exams are “90-minutes”. The verbiage indicates the exams are to “show how much you really know” and to demonstrate “college-level learning”. It does not even mention being able to think. Ha, 90 minutes isn’t enough to read an index of what I know about most college subjects. Look at these pickings:
Natural Science
Business Law
Information Systems
Let me at them! The best news is, that paying full exam and admin fees at Florida Memorial, the cost is only $105 a pop, representing a savings of $1,065 per course over Barry U. Watch me now. You call this college? Why, back in my day you had to learn things.
I spent mid-day sort of arguing with a client that could not (or would not, same thing) understand that when you close down the computer while you are still logged on to your email, the fact that you don’t have to re-enter your password next time is not a plus. It means that you left the key in the lock.
Wallace is still not recovered from the tooth thing, so we took a leisurely drive up to Ft. Lauderdale. That tooth means no long out-of-town trips, at least not that involve me, savvy? The destination was Borders [on Sunrise], whose coffee shop is being renovated [nice of them to put a sign outside to that effect]. This dentist, Dr. Lambert, is getting nothing but rave reviews from everybody who’s ever met him, he is batting 1,000 so far. Rumor is he has been more places than I.
Wallace is not seeing the countryside. We have to stick nearby his doctors. He swears he is up to taking a trip, I had to talk him out of Ft. Meyer’s as a day trip. It is marginally too far away for that until he is totally recovered. Which should be by the weekend.
My new ad for a rhythm guitar player is finally bringing the less than professional out of hiding. I’ve a series of great responses to go over and sort down to a couple or three hopefuls. I had to reject a guy who knows the list already because he was just 23 years old. Who would he talk to during the breaks?
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