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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April 17, 2007

           Another day! I’m sending Wallace packing up to Ft. Lauderdale to snoop around since I’m busy till late evening. So we divided up the day while listening to Abba hits. You know, I still could not tell you all the songs that group did, but I’m glad they came along. (They put a stop to junk like “ABC 1-2-3’ getting onto the hit parade during slow weeks.)
           Off to Barry U, Main Campus. I see they are adamant about transcripts, photocopies and identity numbers, but since when did those ever stop anybody? We can’t have under-documented people attending college, you know. I notice Barry has a policy of immediate expulsion for anyone who does not reveal all their previous college affiliations, or conceals any of the same. Weird. For those who recall Barry as being a girl’s school, I regret to inform you that I am too late for that by forty years. See the bathing beauties? That has also changed, not necessarily for the better.

           The information session gave me all I need to know. I can challenge and portfolio a ton of courses, but again my goal is to become an instructional assistant. I am very impressed by their core courses, something now called “Distributed Requirements”. Regionally accredited schools insist all students MUST take courses in geography, math, written communication, economics, and law. I know guitar players who could not punctuate a sentence or find Mactown on the map.
           I’m informed that last paragraph is not clear. Regionally accredited in this case means the South East Region of the United States of America. For Mactown, you just get a hint. It is the only town on the continent where it is located. You have fifteen seconds to find it. No? Maybe next time choose an accredited school.
           Cost-wise, the Barry courses are $1,170 each and I’ll need around 45 of them. That means one course for now, since Pell grants only apply if you are full time. I like electives, which let Barry U try to figure out how on Earth I know so damn much about marine biology and foreign languages. As a reminder, nothing will be considered until every possible avenue of free or cheaper credits has been considered.

           I already see one Barry policy I do not like, which is charging $100 per CLEP credit if you take the credit after you are admitted. One can glean plenty by reading what the school prohibits, and the computer “misuse” listing is most amusing. Check it out if you want to know what people have pulled on Barry U.
           Speaking of school, I see that the President (Bush) has said that the 32 Virginia Tech murder victims were “at the wrong place at the wrong time”. Yeah, now let him explain what a lunatic Korean was doing there also. They say the murderer wrote a note about the bad things he perceived. Let’s see how many Korean students he shot, or if only white people do bad things. It is a comfort to know that all his transcripts and ID were probably in perfect order. Wake up, America. You too, Canada, although it is already too late over there.

           The O’s computer was acting up again. I cannot find anything wrong with it, however, it did seem as though the auto-update feature in AVG was looking at the updates, but not properly downloading them onto the computer. I reset the scheduled tasks to run things correctly on a weekly basis. I was surprised both to see that AVG did that and that AVG even had a mode where such a dumb thing could be done. One of the original things I did not like about DOS and Windows computers is that they had far too many makes and models. Dells can be difficult to get into safe mode.
           Cat report. Pudding is still the weird cat, with unexplainable habits. She can disappear for a day or two by simply lying completely still under a counter or my work bench. Does not touch the food or leave any evidence so that more than once I’ve suspected she got out. If she does, that is too bad, as Steve has had ample time to make alternative arrangements.
           See the picture. This is called drop my pencil at the grocery store. The wall of beer cases is built all round me in the form of a snow fort. This picture is solely to keep you amused. Either that, or I’ve stumbled upon a frat party.
           Wallace would like it included and I agree, a passage on American medical. It is not true that it is too expensive in every case. Yes, if you want some world class procedure done in a name-brand hospital, it will cost. Wallace went to see Dr. Lambert over on Hallandale, about his gum infection. Wallace was most impressed by the informal atmosphere and casual conversation. The doctor x-rayed him and found that he does require that root canal which it turns out Wallace knew about years ago. Oh, and the checkup and appointment were free.

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