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Thursday, May 17, 2007

May 17, 2007

           While boning up for my economics exam, I read a passage about the underground economy, estimated to be 20% of the US annual turnover. That’s a lot of money. Furthermore, I got to thinking about that money – have you noticed that it is thieves, prostitutes and drug dealers who use fifties and hundreds? Ordinary folks pay with twenties and smaller. Conclusion: we can cut unlawful activity by stopping the manufacture of large denomination bills. It would take criminals too long to pay for things.
           Speaking of criminal, take a look at the price of these plastic jars of honey. That is $10.29 each. It is hard to see but trust me, Sue Bee honey made in USA sells for more than whiskey and gasoline. You even get a picture of two jocks on the label, to boot. Value added. The print contained a warning not to feed to “infants less than one year old”. Doesn’t make sense. Who else would spend that much money on a jar of honey? Criminals?

           My search for CLEP tutorials has begun. It must be a big business, as all the ads focus on non-academic reasons you should enroll. I went through all the free tests I could find on the ‘net. Around six versions, but do be most careful, they are designed to sell you. Even if you say “free” or otherwise in the search criteria, you will get “free study guides” for sale priced up to $854, many of them professionally done. There is no law against fake advertising in this country when it comes to “free”.
           I have a tentative booking for next Wednesday. A gig. I’ll fill you in later because I’m not really ready. I’ll be essentially replacing a juke box, but that alone puts me on a par with those who play open mics at coffeehouses. The Runt is back. He fantasizes that he is winning some manner of argument, long after he has lost face. God surely had the Runt or his equal in mind when he designed the rule book. He still lives in the figment that he can get away with writing what he used to speak. He has already published his name and handle, a dangerous move, since not everybody is as peaceful as I am.

           Want some advice to save you money? Remove AOL completely from your computer. Don’t even leave it there when you are not using it. Get rid of it completely. Then do the same with Google Toolbar. Or you will eventually find out that the real Toolbar is people with computers who don’t know what they are doing. Helpful hint - most people get the Google Toolbar installed when they encounter the familiar "This page requires Java". During the download Java operation, if you do not uncheck the correct option, you get Google Toolbar. Yay, Google!
           Fred and I discussed the business card idea a little and Art is again out of the picture. He is totally concerned with what other people are doing instead of focusing on what we should do. So, bypass his skills and just publish the thing as it is. We can hire somebody later if the idea flies. Art feels we should not advertise on the Internet because other people are already doing that. Hard to fathom.

           That’s most of it for today, except that I am going to offer up a picture of Club M on the Internet. There has been some bantering about the prices and atmosphere, but lacking a visual. You can tell by the sign what a class joint it is. We need to make sure the Runt does not miss the place next time he motors by on his way to the library. I was going to say “police station” but I won’t.
           I do the laundry. I know, these are exciting times since Wallace left. Now I have nothing to do until September when Marion arrives. I know a ton of local people, but they just don’t have the intellectual and spiritual “oomph” of my buddies from the West. This is understandable, for these qualities are not highly valued in this area, where appearances are more important than performance.

           Then I keep hearing this thumpitty-thump every few minutes. Placing the electric brain in think mode, I finally begin at one end of the trailer and move toward the other. Waiting for each new thump. It took a half-hour, but the mystery is solved. Cat locked in the closet. With the laundry.
           Did you know that honey is the only food that does not spoil? For Sue Bee, that may be the only good news.

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