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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

May 16, 2007

           Things are underway with my CLEP courses. First, here is a better picture of the “Condo that Corruption Built”. It proceeded at the proverbial snail’s pace for over two years and they just put in the windows. (Hey, Wallace, remember this place?) Yes, that is a railway crossing in the lower left. I do not know who raised these people, but where I come from a quarter million dollars is used to move as far away from railway tracks as one can possibly get.
           My contact at Florida Memorial University (hereinafter FMU) is Tweedia. I know, that’s what I thought she said. I must again compliment this school as one of the few places in Florida that does not treat a request for information as an excuse to pre-qualify you for a student loan. I’m getting an information package sent out this week. What intrigues me most is that these CLEP exams may be bell-curved. That is, although 50% is the passing mark, that is also the median.
           This means that I would be tested, not against the exam, but on what I know compared to what other people know. This would terrorize the Runt, but it plays right into my hands, because the person with the highest mark gets 100%. How’s he doing, anyway? For openers, he has discovered that bullshitting your way out of trouble is immensely more difficult when you have put things in writing. He has always been able to squirm out of his verbals; just now learning late in life that the same tricks don’t work with the written word.
           He got on the Internet and stuck his nose where it did not belong and he put his defamations in writing. (There is a “rant and rave” section for that kind of thing, but he published on the musician’s list.) That was completely out of line. He likely doesn’t remember what started his trouble, but maybe next time he will think twice about calling anybody a “natzi”. That was absolutely unforgivable, and he will pay for that in some way for as long as he lives. The fool seems to think calling somebody down in writing is no worse than saying it. Wrong.
           It took three hours, but I rigged up another Netgear wireless network. The same old problem of [the] BellSouth [Westel[modem]]using the same IP address as the router. Since it is easier to reprogram the router, I changed that IP to (more people would do well to remember that I am the one who programmed their equipment). What is more odd, is that the BellSouth equipment will not even allow anything in the same range.
I got home early to meet up with Maria, the vocalist. Recall I scheduled this practice solely to see if she showed or called. She did neither. It was worth a try, I just hope she doesn’t show up with some excuses in the next day or two.
           Bad news for Jose’s tapes of Peru. I lent him a couple of cameras, neither of which would play his tapes. He came over and I showed him that the system worked perfectly. I’ve seen the situation before. The video camera in Peru takes and plays perfect video, but what they don’t know is their video head is out of alignment. When you try to play the same tape on an aligned camera, you get artifacts. While this can be fixed, it is cheaper to fly back to Peru and use the old camera. Always copy your analog tapes while you have access to the original playback device.
           Pudding was sick all over my indoor-outdoor (carpet). I doused it down with cleaner, but that cat, I dunno. Then again, I have not had any problem with vermin around here since she arrived. I’ll make the appointment tomorrow unless I have to go to Bal Harbor. She has to become an outdoor cat to stay around here.