A long email from Mitch arrived today. He is still partying it up and still reports side-effects from food poisoning a month ago. Salmonella landed him in the hospital. I have not seen the guy in over thirty years. Last time was when he visited his brother in Cowberry in 1975.
Howard dropped by the shop. That brand new Panasonic camera was giving troubles. The problem turned out to be poor batteries. For a brand name, Panasonic makes good products but the dollar stores are choke full of lousy Panasonic batteries. Also, the camera has the “modern” defect of multi-function buttons. Such cameras may have fifty functions, but most people will use five of them because such buttons take too long to bring the unit into action.
Still no word from Tweedia, the lady at the University. I’d like to get started, so I left her a message. I’m set up at this end so I wonder what the delay is over there. Ah, to be back in school days and playing music nights, that is the life. I can easily adapt to hanging out at the college cafeteria for hours every day. Of course, last time I did that I wound up dating this Turkish girl with green eyes. Did I ever mention Canan?
Canan told me about her life in Turkey. I did not know it takes many generations (up to 300 years) to bring an olive tree into production. Her family owned one such tree. Now, once the tree begins to produce, it is a gold mine. From that single tree, her family eventually came to own the entire village. When they tried to marry her off to a 71 year old man, that was a little too much tradition and she ran off to England.
By a roundabout way, we met in a computer class in 1985 or 86. We dated off and on for six or seven years, when she married some guy who worked at a bank. She had an uncanny ability to remember exactly how much change you had left in your pocket. If you cracked a twenty and made several transactions, you could ask her later in the day and she could tell you to the penny what you had left. This was, apparently, also a custom for the wives over in Turkey.
I’m rearranging my set lists, which will take all day today and tomorrow. I’m adding in some comedy tracks and dropping some of the slower music. Who knows, I may go back and figure out that one elusive chord in “Rhythm of My Heart”. Plus, I’m adding thirty seconds of studio silence to the end of each tune. Twenty seconds on stage turns out to be not quite enough. I’m learning.
After the office closed, I went to a couple of less than savory places downtown, where I had a hard time ordering soda. In the process, I ran into Johnny D., who introduced me to a vocalist who plays guitar. I took that with a grain of something, I mean, if the guy is that good, why is he not already playing? It is strange how music can work that way.
I see that the Runt has foolishly posted enough of his crapulence that others have finally figured out who he is in real life. Somebody is going sharpen him up. I tried to warn the guy, but he had some idiotic standpoint that since he could play guitar well, he was somehow immune from the consequences of the totally evil things he calls others. He thought he was smarter than the rest of the world put together. (The mistake of saying enough on the Internet for people to identify you is called “mitnicking”.)
Wrong he was. His moronic bad spelling and bad attempts at sounding aloof were like a fingerprint. (I am serious, the guy does not realize he is a lousy speller.) “Lest thou dost evolute unworthy of thine own lizardskin?” Who did he think he was fooling? If he’s wise, he will disappear until things cool down. He has certainly never done either himself or anyone else any good with his music. Who knows, maybe now he’ll think twice before calling people names in writing.
Today’s fun-filled trivia is Levi 501’s. These are the famous blue jeans Levi has been making since 1873. The trivia is that they do not sell the button-fly model east of the Mississippi, only the zipper-fly. Why? Because the winters are colder and the zipper-fly keeps out the chill better.
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