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Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24, 2007

           It was supposed to be a couple of hours working on html tables, which turned into an entire day at the office. The faster computers up there gave me time to get some extra music ready for the weekend. I’ll need it, because the club called and they want me back for Saturday. I’ll have to get a lot more Johnny Cash.
           I got flak from a couple of sources about the old pictures over the past few days. Makes the blog too personal, but people, that is exactly what this is. I often make references to the past because I have a damn interesting one. Here is a photo of John, whose real name is Elizabeth. She is leaning on my Cadillac in 1990, I believe we may have been in Coeur d’Alene at the time.
           Ah, I hear a question about why a woman is called John. Could it be someone is doing the exact wrong thing around me – making assumptions? The reason is simple. We both worked at the same place, and we talked a lot on the phone on company time. The place was your typical gossipy office. It raised far less attention when I got on the blower and asked for a John than for an Elizabeth. Why, what on Earth were you thinking?

           The Internet again proves its worth and its uselessness. I needed some information on how to change the appearances of items contained inside a table cell. In standard computer manual fashion, you can get tons of information on how each component works, but nothing on how to get them to work together. It is like a digital camera – the instructions only tell you how to work the camera, but not how to work the computer needed to get the pictures off the camera. (I know one bozo who spent $200 on a camera and still has pictures stuck on there he took two years ago.)
           I did a grocery run and saw another sign of the times. I fancied a ham sandwich so I went to buy one of those sealed packets of sliced ham. You know, the ones of dubious origin that state “water added” on the label, although I am not clear how water is added to meat, or why. You know the product, in the package that is hard to open and states that it is resealable. We are on to that trick of the depression in the back that makes the package look fuller.

           What is new is that there are no longer eight slices in the package, but only four. I don’t disapprove, as it is a better portion for me. The significance is that this appears to be yet another item that is being sold in smaller packages because seniors cannot afford the regular size. Florida is scary that way. Even in an affluent neighborhood, you can see seniors pick up an apple, weigh it and put it back because they can’t afford it. Mind you, I’ve seen that everywhere in the world. People who don’t prepare for the future, like guitar teachers and so on.
           New tune of the day? “God Blessed Texas”, by Alan Jackson. I had trouble finding it at first because of the verb tense, plus it is transitive and I wasn’t expecting that. The tune is half-catchy, the lyrics a lot less so. Whoever wrote them has never been in Texas, know what I mean?
           Trivia for today. During an eclipse, all birds stop singing.

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