Here's a shot of the Thrift. Wallace would have loved this place. This is the new look, with mannequins and plenty of better quality doodads. I went through every feature on Dicken’s computer and finally concluded the problem is a slow DLS connection plus a hard drive that is thrashing a bit. I also contacted RofR about a meeting, although I know this will be difficult to set up after 18 years. I also investigated the chance of buying a motorcycle out West and driving it back during the summer. It would be the same price as a two way flight. Roughly.
I also made extra at my standard music lesson. The progress is remarkable and the family has asked me for a brochure explaining what I do. They add that they often attend meeting where hundreds of like-minded people are looking for such programs. I’ll have that fired off the printer by noon tomorrow. Later, except it turns out I have a Brother printer, which, like Hewlett-Packard, can decide to stop working entirely by itself. It still strikes me odd that they even still build a printer that can jam ordinary paper. And, all printers suffer that severe defect that you cannot instantly cancel a print job. What do expect for $80? A trouble-free printer that runs flawlessly for ten years.
Marion called, she has a concert lined up in Seattle tomorrow but no way to get there. I can’t help. But we did have a rare conversation about her sister, whom she has mentioned just twice in living memory. Apparently, [the sister is] a bit of a biker broad with a smattering of trailer trash, but at that point, one only worries what they look like. So she is sending me a picture. Marion can pick me up at the airport and get me on my way any time this summer, so I am again looking at a trip back west.
I may also have a booking for a wedding party, just a little after-ceremony get-together. I’ll take it just for the practice if it works out. When pressed, I quoted a price of just $80 that being both fair and twice the going rate for people I know. I really want $150, but I have to get my act happening better. This morning I stopped at the music store to discover they don’t get in until 11:00, exactly when I have to open the Thrift.
Now for a word about Pudding. First, I have to question what is it they put in dry cat food? I have never seen a cat refuse fresh boiled chicken with real meat left on the bone. Can you believe she prefers the dry pellets? I don’t mind since I can give her a two day supply without attracting ants, but still, what do they put in there to addict a cat? Next, I always thought that is was dogs who attached themselves to the owner’s turf. This cat is protective about any clothes I wear and later throw over the chair or on the bed. I’ve never seen that before. As for progress, there was not much today. The rest of this post concerns computer stuff, so you can skip it if you are not interested in such things.
I always wondered why, when you change web pages, the URL header sometimes contains a long string of nonsense characters. I’ve been studying, you see. I knew that all those “20%” strings represented spaces, but I didn’t know why. It has to do with yet another example of the clever planning ahead done by all the truly competent computer professionals in the world.
Web pages, it turns out, are “stateless” which means if you logon to one page as “Sam”, then move to another page, the new page does not have a clue who you are. (Which tells us people at physics labs should stick to splitting atoms instead of hairs.) Anyway, there are extremely limited methods to pass information, called “variables”, between pages. One is called cookies, small segments of information stored on your computer, which have been so totally abused by a generation of brilliant whiz kids that many people disable cookies.
Another option is to tack on the variables to the URL that calls the new page. That is what you are seeing, and the new URL appears to the world in the address bar of the destination page. Yes, you’d think the Swiss with their private banking laws would know better. So, grab an ASCII code table and go to work.
It is thus only a matter time until I am able to tell who flags on Craigslist, for I think some people will pay for that information. A lot of dumb people over there continually try to locate the IP address, which would not tell you anything. My theory is that most censors are male and natural born peckerheads who think their opinion is the one that counts. Therefore, they can’t just silence, they must then fill that silence with their bull. Does this remind you of anyone? To post, they must use that account logon module which obviously must pass variables using a URL, and that is precisely what I am examining in some detail. Time permitting.
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