[Author's note 2016-02-02: this satellite photo may seem commonplace to today's Android users. But back in 2008 they had barely made a toehold, much less a specific picture like this one of an address I sought out. It is further forgotten that this was the same satellite imagery being launched to explore the Martian surface. As it turned out, the Mars photos were the more numerous and popular.]
Okay, I’ll get you the name of the satellite place. Meanwhile here is a photo of JZs condo. Yes, can clearly see his red truck parked in the lower left hand corner. No, you cannot use the satellite to see if he’s at home before driving over there [he won’t answer his phone on weekends]. The photos are not real time. This one is datestamped 2007. You can get an idea of the perspective from the construction crane in the foreground. Along with the state of disrepair of JZ’s roof. (He soon received a $20,000 "special assessment".)

The lingering flu slowed me down, so no music. I checked with the owners and I think I’ll pop in tomorrow in the early afternoon to see if the crowd justifies a few hours of my show. If so, that would be the first time I’ve made any money off the Stupid Bowl since I drove a cab out of college. That was actually a neat job before it became too heavily regulated. I delivered a lot of pizza.
While I was in the pub, a strange lady came onto me. I turned her down flat. Yes, I am quite aware a lot of guys don’t believe that, but remember, unlike a lot of guys, I have no idea what it is like to be desperate. This was a wise move. I later discover she is the daughter of that crazy broad who told me I didn’t know about music because I never played the juke box. Both of them look like hayseeds, but I will admit they have dynamite legs. Which explains why they are always wearing shorts and constantly dropping things.
I went to the Barn and read some music material. Who remembers “Walk The Line”, the Johnny Cash biopic? What? Biopic is the name of that type of movie. In fact, that movie unseated the long standing champion to become the highest grossing biopic of all time. The name of the former champ was “The Sound of Music”. Mind you, I am leery of claims that don’t allow for inflation of money and audiences. Can audiences inflate? Yes, for instance, prior The Beatles, teens bought 45 rpm “singles” instead of 33 rpm “albums”
A classic example of misleading statistics would be Michael Jackson. The Beatles sold 29 million albums, Jackson sold 27 million. But Jackson was born into an album-buying public created by The Beatles. There is a rumor he titled his album “Bad” because he couldn’t spell “Indescribable”. I’ve found I simply cannot listen through an single Jackson song without becoming distracted.
The Barn (short for Barnes & Noble, the British outfit) has definitely streamlined their operation to stock only publications that move. The electronics section no longer exists. It has been replaced by foreign cookbooks. This aches double because I’ve always had a mild interest in electronics but I don’t know how to solder; somehow never managed to get around to learning how. I’ve built all kinds of gadgets, including speakers from pie plates and seashells, all without solder. Schematics kind of fascinate me.
I’m having second thoughts about the Barn, for even the coffee is chickory-like and lukewarm half the time. Why if I want to drink bad coffee, read shallow literature and sit next to a woman ignoring me while preaching to her cell phone, I’ll cyber-date. Speaking of the Internet, is it not strange how a medium that was first designed to cut down on the infections of human foibles has done the opposite? Sites like Facebook make billions. To me, computer usage should be to innovate, not to pretend there is anything new about boy-meets-girl. Internet dating explains why human beings are the only species that becomes endangered as its population increases.
Aren’t I the wellspring of information after I leave a bookstore?
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