See the gas knuckle? That’s the thing I broke in Hialeah. It breaks off and seals the line if you accidentally drive away from the gas pump with the hose still in your tank. Like I did upon seeing the most beautiful gal ever to set foot in that town. Even the lady clerk who saw the whole thing told me she was looking at her too.
Anyway, the problem attended is the oldest computer quirk in existence, namely the refusal of computer people to coin unique and descriptive terms, or in the alternative, to call things based on what they really are or really do. Ever tried to find your answer on-line? It’s like asking James Joyce the time of day, by the time he’s done it ain’t that time no more.
My contention for years is that we’ve long been in a Depression, it is just that some people haven’t admitted it yet. They all have credit scores in the high 700s. At workforce this morning I hear the economy lost 17,000 jobs or around 340 per state. Weren’t we supposed to be gaining 1,000,000 jobs per year? One possible solution is to start counting the South Florida vacant-lot car washes. Along with barmaids and all other vocations famous for impeccably paying their taxes. Like musicians.
I also noticed quite a few places are accepting on-line applications only. How long before these things get published for all to see? That would be a kick in the teeth for most of the population. Remember, that resume becomes the employer’s property, even if you don’t get the job. I almost had to duke it out a few years back in Ft. Lauderdale over that one. (It was a fake “employment” agency and I had to actually rip my resume out of the hands of some fat woman I described as “built like a T-34”.)
The doggie wig place is mostly self-sustaining now. They still exhibit astonishment when I go in, check things over for an hour and inform them everything is working fine. True, a lot of sales are slipping through the cracks because nobody is logging the emails, but I pointed that out over a year ago. There are no long-term employees, so every skill learned there is gone. My solution would be to capitalize the business highly enough that one could sell shares. Or franchise the thing. It worked for MacDonalds.
The gig at Jimbo’s was a flop, due to lack of people. I mean financial flop, otherwise we had a great time. This one noisy lady must have asked me twenty times if I could play “Achey Breaky Heart”. I barely made gas money but I sang at least part of at least half the music I played. You see, I know I can count on me to learn new music and show up on time. I’ve been frequently handed cards for recording studios, showing once again the entire disability of Florida musicians to separate fact from fiction. Fact: I am a performer. Fiction: All really good musicians will cut a million dollar sound track and live happily ever after.
Later. I see the satellite photo of the last 21st was a hit. Yes, these photos are really that high resolution. You zoom in to any location from around 200 miles up, like mapquest, but much better. Not every location is hi-res yet, as the millions of photos are based on user requests.
Here is a picture of Florida’s most famous trailer. From another angle, you can clearly see Cowboy Mikes’ truck parked outside one day. For some reason, I cannot download the full pictures that are viewable on-screen, but you get the idea. You can also use the site to take a downtown 3D flight through all the major cities on Earth. For example, if you pull up Seattle, you can zoom right down streets I used to drive to work. With a little practice, a good spy could pretend he knew any city from Peking to Rio.
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