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Friday, February 22, 2008

February 22, 2008

           Florida, the sunshine state. Except not this morning. I received a communication from the famous SighWren, who by pure coincidence is also a supporter of Dr. Ron Paul. I have not heard from her much in the last five years. She is an activist against chemtrails, which, if you don’t know what they are I will leave you to look up. Also, y’day a gal came by Jimbo’s selling jewelry and we had a ten minute conversation which everybody nearby heard but did not understand. (We were speaking Thai.) She was on duty from some church. However, if she can return this evening to see my show on her own time, it is agreed we will “be together”. Siamese twins. Saw-wat-dee, kap.
           It cleared up by noon. I went to the beach to see the show by Norm and Rob. It was quite a different operation than them dropping in to Jimbo’s. It took forty minutes of driving around to find a parking spot. Then, nearly a twenty-minute walk to the Hollywood Beach Theater, each way. It was worth it, if only because for all the local (ahem) musicians who talked about playing there, I finally know somebody who really did. Oddly, I could not join in as I don’t have the required license from the city. Can’t have undocumented musicians playing undocumented music for undocumented crowds. Who knows what kind of temptations that could lead to?

           Shortly afterward, I worked on a laptop that had one of the finest pieces of evil work I’ve every seen. It was a self-installing virus-like popup for XoftSpySE. The thing defies being deleted, I saw it escape detection in the registry in safe mode right while I was looking right at it. The thing seems to be able to boot from its own shortcut, even without the link to an executable file. It is strange how these things are not outlawed. I’ll do a web search for a fix tomorrow.
           Because today I went to the Barn and did some intense study about Quickbooks 2008. It seems to have all the vices of the original version, including Equity Balance accounts, startup balances and inactive accounts with zero balances that still show up in reports. It was luck, but the first few books I picked up had authors at least as critical of these faults as I am. Startup balances will fry your mind a few months later at tax time when you discover you can’t remember how you got to that total.

           I have not investigated the workings yet, but Quickbooks may not have a payroll module. That would really suck. When I tried to activate it, I got a screen asking me which “payroll service” I wanted to enroll with. I wonder how many people fall for that? A payroll service is quite a different matter than the ability to do payroll locally on your computer—and this is definitely never made clear on the package or the manual. My guess is 100% of first time buyers believe they getting payroll software.
           Jimbo’s wrapped up early tonight when I popped a channel on my disk reader. I could not troubleshoot it there. This could be serious if I cannot do the repair, because I just do not have the spare cash to replace the unit. Oh, and the Thai gal did not show up. Too bad, because that would have got me to stay playing on one channel. As it is, I am dog tired from a sixteen-hour day. I’m saying I am seriously tired, the only time I can recall being worse was one time my friend and I (Graham Smith) had to stay up 36 hours to make sure a fire was really out. We were so tired we could not walk straight or talk coherently. That’s as close to a civil servant as I ever want to experience.

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