By noon, we had no running water at all. Among our choices was to trust Florida would consider our necessities a priority. (For once they did, but that is not something to rely on.) Had they not done so, however, the emergency decisions we made were brilliant, so I’ll go over them.
Enter an interesting new discipline, “Econo-Hydraulics”. Since the water over at Eric’s was fine, we conspired to run a garden hose to one of the standpipes on their side of the street, over to here. By carefully turning off and on the right spigots, we would have water. Eric says we are not supposed to touch the water taps, but hey, in an emergency I ask questions later. But how is that for rapid and effective problem-solving?
The computer slated to replace Peggy’s is a Win98 unit. I’ll shoe-horn XP into it but that requires tomorrow morning. Peggy called to indicate the bachelor forms [that I composed] are adequate and she has some men underway. She mentioned a “bachelorette”, but I consider that to be a completely separate issue. One book, one theme. Seventy-five pages of material, plus another 10-15 of commentary and editorializing.
I’ve been trying to get in touch with Myra, the lady who stayed here in June. She is not answering her phone. She also does not know how much we need here, or are going to need her around here. Even the cat misses her.
Yes, I have a booking for Saturday. An island theme birthday party. The request is I bring a disk full of “island” music and my regular show. I get the big bucks plus tips. Limewire provided the Buffet, Bellafonte, Kingston Trio, Marley, Don Ho and Beach Boys. I previewed some music by a group called “Shaggy” and found it uninspiring. I’ve also been tipped off that the A/C at Jimbo’s is on the fritz. That has to be repaired before I go on. I played once before when it was out and swore never again. It gets hot in that old building fast, “Jimbo’s No Windows”.
Trivia. Asparagus makes some people pee funny colors, as in purple and orange.