Business has picked up due to a new virus making the rounds. It blocks computers from getting on the Internet. It sails right past Trend, Macaffee and Norton-Symantec with its nose pressed against the glass and waving. Here’s a less metaphorical glass in today’s photo. At the hardware store you can see my hand just a few inches behind the pane. This product diffuses the view nicely. It is very expensive. Probably made in the USA. It is hard to figure out how plastics cost more than the real thing until you learn that some assembly line jobs at General Motors are paying $80 per hour.

For all the local library does not have, there are some excellent books on birdhouses. My construction was wrong for song birds but I’d like to point out it was a spur of the moment project. There was an announcement that the library is going to be expanded to six times the current floor space, financed by a new bond issue. Just think, six times as many teenage males pretending they are researching classical art and waiting for people who forget to sign out.
The computers are the only library resource always fully occupied. This says a lot about the true affordability of home computers. Even the library furniture is the wrong era, with one person at each table with four chairs. Why? Felons, equality laws, and weak bladders. Sex offenders must register, but not the gang that’s been stealing bicycles out of the parking lot since 1980. You have to pack up your laptop and take it with you to the washroom. Seventy-four percent of Americans have used email, but how many of them could tell you the “Save” icon has the disk shutter on the wrong side?
One thing I can say for the adult movie industry is they have some of the best in anti-copying software (what most would call copyright protection). A lot of times it is merely embedded in the menu program and can be defeated by using a utility that copies just the movie segment. There is a new schema out there that manages to prevent the movie from being read, and further, to not let the copying software find your target burner. (Remember, all this is for entertainment only, you are not to break the law. I am researching methods to prevent anyone, including movie companies, from issuing commands to computers they do not own. You are not.)
Guess what happens when you break the law? Ask that governor on the news that was trying to auction the president’s old position and to line up a cushy job for his wife. No, they don’t put you in jail or let anything really bad happen to you like if you were poor. Hell, no. But you are publicly rated “incredibly stupid” for getting caught. Imagine the disgust of the hometown voters to learn that politicians are crooks, thieves and dishonest swindlers. Who would ever have thought such a mean thing? He should have had his chauffeur do the dirty work like all the rest.
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