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Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009

           Finally, I saw one of those Smart cars on the street instead of the showroom. Maybe I’ll check it out further, but I’ve heard so many announcements over the years about such vehicles that it is not surprising this one got no nevermind. For now, enjoy ¾ of a picture of ¾ of a car.
           The History channel is going nuts with the 2012 thing. The world will end on the winter solstice (December 21). Most of this is based on things like the Mayan calendar which comes to an end that date. That was before somebody noticed a missing decimal skull. Okay, America. The day before, sign all your money over to me and leave your power tools in the city park.
           Nostradamus. That hoax will never go away. He was, they say, using his own words to describe what he’s never seen, so flexibility must be expected. Really? Let me compose my Quatrain 1-1. “There shall be born a child in a cubicle in the Ether-sky when the plasma is before Google; and he shall return to Atlantica to deal mankind a royal flush.” Nostradamus never mentions 2012. He says the world will end in 3797. I tell you we will never make it that far unless we outlaw stupidity yesterday at the latest. Stupidity is what you know for certain that ain’t so. Did I just define politics, or was that Truman or somebody?

           His proponents like to point out his prophecies have stood the test of time. They brag that in his home town in France, his predictions still bring fear and awe. And, for sure, tourist dollars.
           Sadly, the vocalist audition this morning didn’t work out. You see, there are two ways to get what you want in life. Do it yourself, or pay somebody to do it. The said entertainer had a lot of trouble with that concept. I cannot memorize song words for you. Not only that, I washed the kitchen floor just to impress her, playboy that I am. Point of order, do-it-yourself rules do not apply to Pudding-Tat.
           Music update. Wanda, the karaoke lady, has a new gig over at Capt. J’s. Arnel is passing on the deal Boston’s is offering for Sunday. The word on the street is Johnny D is no longer doing Walsh’s. And by default I have Fridays back at Jimbo’s until further notice. The actual working music troop in this town is a fairly small. I stopped at the Catholic thrift on US1 and bought [what I thought was] a history book. It was mostly about military situations.
           A battle took place around this time 68 years ago. Reading the accounts makes me glad somebody else knows the names of Russian towns. Lacking a pronunciation guide, I hope I never have to give a lecture on Staraia Russa, Feodosiia or Maloiaroslavets. Not to mention the all-out attack on my spellchecker. It is hard not to confuse the Russians with the Soviets. They all make great pyrogies, wear fur hats and can dance sitting down.

           Last for today is Netgear and their support line. There are times when Netgear equipment just does not interface with other equipment. The trick there is not to have a help desk full of total beginners. Hire an expert or two that knows there are only a handful of gateways and routers out there. I could probably name them. Motorola, Westel, D-Link, Netgear, Utopia and Linksys. So there. They make up the lion’s share. It seems to me each help desk would, by now, have standardized every possible situation that could occur with their own product. But noooo-o-o-o-o-o-o . . .
           Today I spent three hours with various techs who sputtered along. I suspect Netgear wireless adaptors can alter router settings. Here, diagnose the wireless problem yourself. You have a functioning network in place. Only one computer in that network uses Netgear wireless, but it has been working fine for months. Today you independently connect a new computer with a new Netgear wireless to the network. Not only does the new wireless device not work, other wireless device instantly quits and exhibits the same error message. All of the non-Netgear computers continue working fine.

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