The Haitian convenience store next door is minus one staff member. It had the outward looks of a family business. Then two days ago, the immigration authorities raided the place and arrested the guy’s wife. Nobody is talking but the fact is you have to be doing something besides living here illegally to attract that kind of attention. Like being on welfare under assumed names.
Up the road near Firestone, the shop windows have all been blacked out for several months. I bike past there and never gave it a thought. It looked like they were renovating. A month ago we find out it is a “Pain Clinic”. I had to have that explained to me so I can pass it on here. This type of clinic is for all the drug addicts to get their fixes, presumably so they don’t commit crimes for illegal substances.
The windows are blacked less for privacy than to prevent an outcry from the surrounding businesses and neighbors. We only found out when the sub shop next door had to begin locking their washroom. The addicts were using it to shoot up. I know, get to the gossip part. Okay. Yesterday morning the police showed up with the paddy wagon and arrested the two doctors who were working there. Something to do with prescriptions for “240 pills at a time”. The cops hauled them away in cuffs. What’s the bet they get off with a slap on the wrist.
For the first time I purposely out-priced a customer. I did not want to do the job so I quoted a price so high they would not accept it. They wanted me to drive all the way to Miami to install a printer driver. The problem with that is if they have the wrong driver or anything else is the problem, they don’t want to pay you unless you fix it right there. I cannot promise to fix anything but I do charge for trying.
It was a lively show at Jimbo’s and at my request they ran a 50/50 draw. It increased my take 35%. In fact, it did so well that a discussion ensued of how to make this a more permanent part of my show. The biggest change will be letting people even win if they leave early. We had a room full of karaoke people who sang through the microphones most of the evening. I rate it as a surprisingly great show. I was 15 minutes late showing up and apparently missed a couple of decent single women, a commodity in short supply in this age. Weird part of the evening was this lady who could whistle the perfect sound of that “wee-uuuu” siren that chirps when the police pull you over.
Business has picked up slightly. I’m spending more time in the shop, and also looking for work. The downside of using the media these days is if you want to apply for an advertised job, you are compelled to submit your resume on-line. This means a third party, the advertiser, has access to your personal information. That is never a good idea under any circumstances. I may have a lot to say on this soon. At least I’m looking effectively, unlike the local bums who beg for money while leaning on the “Help Wanted” signs.