File Express is still in business. The original company was called Expressware from Arizona. Now they are called Millenia, I think, and still sell much the same database. It lists as 20-40 employees with sales of $4 to $6 million annually. It is still DOS based and comes with the same lousy set of instructions. It cannot be beat for ease of use. It has gone through at least five versions and the latest claims it has basic “relational” capabilities. For $99, I may give it a try. [MicroSoft] Access has repeatedly proven itself too asinine to bother with for the simple stuff.
Any database requires a learning curve, I’m saying the miracles take a little time. The FE version I am using is from 1987. It does not use the SQL search format although it will export a variety of delimited files. Like Star Trek that came out in 1966, it has not changed all that much. That reminds me, another movie in that endless series is being heavily advertised. [Author’s note: FE or File Express database is not the same as File Express, the ftp software.]
Neil Diamond is still around, and I’d like to see his show. Didn’t I write something about him and the Hard Rock a few months ago? His music and I go back a long ways, although I’ve only played it recently. I’ve been learning the requested tune “Sweet Caroline” and after busting my chops on it (I gave up on it several years ago) I discovered the original version had a capo on the 8th bass fret. Sneaky.
In one of the first phases of changing my act, I took inventory of my musical equipment. I’ve got to replace all the small stuff because it is plain worn out. Quality has gone for a dump. I remember when a good expensive phono cable lasted five years. My bass also needs a new jack assembly. Things will proceed slowly, don’t be surprised if it takes until September to get a basic functional show worked out.
Author's note 2015-05-30: That seems a laugh now, getting a band together by September. I was still new at the finding a guitar player game and did not know about the Broward Guitar Mafia. But I grew up around people who would rather waste their lives doing nothing than compromise. I'm different, I'll compromise and later quit if things don't improve. I didn't know that was par for the course on May 30, 2009. But I learned fast enough.
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