Alert to the world: my phone is working again. I should say my replacement phone.
Who remembers good old “File Express”? No? Well then you are not a database person. It was a small DOS program, a flat file database. A lot of us cut our teeth on it. I wonder if they are even still around, since relational file databases took over. Still, File Express has some uses, such as tracking shoe repair tickets. I dug out my old copy and I still like it for ease of use.
Wallace likes the Mimosa, which is closer and doesn’t (yet) attract the same crowd as the Panera. Hopefully the lack of free refills at Mimosa will keep the element away. That element patronizes Panera because they can sit there all day for a dollar. Big operators. Wallace says he bumped into Pete the Rock, who beat a retreat when Wallace took out his laptop. This makes sense to me for the reason that follows. I’ve seen it many times.
A lot of people did not heed my warnings about giving out their information for free. It was only a matter of time before computers were used to pull all those little scraps of information together into your profile, usually without your knowledge or permission. Now it behaves like a single huge database that tells everyone all they need to know to sue, dun, spam, or arrest you. In a sense, when you hear about the “cloud”, they are referring to this virtual database.
Well, guys like Pete go through life with the “I’ve got nothing to hide” attitude, which implies others do. Then one day they apply for something in the system (maybe food stamps) and out come all their old arrest records, failed high school courses, unpaid parking tickets, credit rejections, all the bad and none of the good. Of course, they don’t blame themselves, they blame the computer. That is why they run and hide.
The Megabite CafĂ© is finally open in the new location. It is rather expensively renovated, with a stage twelve feet over the dance floor that the band reaches by ladder. I would not want to set my gear up in there. I finally met the owner, who seems like a reasonable chap. Since I was the only customer, I ordered a Carona. That set me back six bucks. I noticed they have the same number of Internet cubicles as I do (3), and there’s are located against the dance floor wall. Where the couples can shoulder surf.
I have a copy DVD of “War of the Worlds”, the remake, which I saw quite a few years ago. They turned it into a semi-chick flick, with the single father, pregnant ex-wife and other bozo types not in the book. What makes me laugh is how producers unwittingly portray the dissimilarity in way how stupid people and smart people panic. Oh yes, there is a remarkable difference. Stupid people always panic in groups, smart people panic alone. Stupid people also panic in a way that endangers others, like on a submarine or fire escape. One thing to remember, ladies and girls, is scream an awful lot. It makes you sound so intelligent, it shows that you know how to responsibly handle yourself, and it helps Martians and rapists find you in the dark. Eek! Over here! There’s three of us!
Author's note 2015-05-29: the student did not show up--which is just as well, since there have been some scam alerts. That, and Wallace proved too unstable to allow for a systematic operation of home base. He's one of those that thinks when you make a pact with him, you also make a pact with his family. No wonder the guy will die a broke and lonely old man.
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