There are roughly 750 fancy condos in foreclosure in south Broward. I glanced through the listings to conclude that buyers are simply holding out. Why bid a penny more than the balance? This is good news for me, signaling that a heavy downward spiral is pending. The few sales propping up the market are the sucker last-chancers. Some beautiful places are going for less than $20K. But those are condos, I want to see houses doing the same. I really have little sympathy for people who bragged and borrowed their way to unbelievable poverty later in life. I guess what I’m saying is that if all these people did the right thing, where are all the millionaires?
It also emphasizes the major problem with the American system—politicians are not held accountable for their actions. Thus, they are not compelled to represent anyone but themselves. I’m trying to remember the name of that bozo who pushed for deregulation, saying the current laws were like making “a man wear the same clothes he was born in”. He pushed for removing financial controls on the stock market, and is a sad example of my point. Anyone who followed his advice lost big time, but he cannot be held responsible. It didn’t help that he looked like the dumb old bastard he turned out to be. This lack of accountability encourages these morons get on TV and coach other morons. I know people who only want a job so they can get a credit card.
I’ve gone through Eddie Monroe’s music a few times and he has a penchant for those slow ballads. While all music is just chords and lyrics, these tunes are even more so. I’ve tried several times to get into the lyrics of “Pancho & Lefty”, but I get distracted within the first minute and have never finished the song. This makes it bad for stage work. Customers who don’t know the song will not likely listen to it no matter how well played or presented. It just does not have the right appeal.
Cakewalk [the midi edit software] is back in the picture. I’m looking at patching [replacing instrument voices] but I don’t have the right sounds, and some of the versions are going to need major adjustments. Some tunes I will have to enter the hard way, for example, “Cover of the Rolling Stone”. There is not a single site readily available on the entire Internet that gives the bass tab. One feature I really get results from is the midi track volume. Most of the composers seem to have left the individual instruments at full volume [setting 100], and that explains a lot of the wrong things you hear as you try to sing certain Karaoke tunes.
Big Al has also been in touch. He’s the guy looking into all the Internet businesses for something he can make money at from home. I warned him they are scams, yet I appreciate his doing the research. There is very little I can do, which I’ve explained, plus the fact that if a legit business does come along, who needs partners. My ideal Internet business is one where the money is made “selling” a service that is automatic and cannot be returned for a refund.
My newest laugh is the on-line ads that seek a web master who knows PHP, Apache, Joomla and is an SEO expert. It is always some “big idea” person that wants to go partners with a programmer. My point is, if you can do all the things he wants, what the hell do you need him for? Moral support?
Does anyone want to know what happened to the German lessons? Well, I’ll tell you anyway. I’m on lesson two (of ten) and you know that convoluted phrase from way back, “How goes it with you?” Now I know precisely where that came from. If I ever meet a lady called Frau Schneider, I’ll be able to state I am American right off. Where is all this leading? I don’t know. As my parents would answer, “Shut up and look out the window. You might see something you never saw before.”
Just don’t see an amusement park full of kids your own age driving go-karts, or the side of your head will get real sore in a fast hurry. I speak with authority.
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