Karaoke Denise was in. I’ll have to give her all the uncopied disks back and try again once the proper software arrives. She’s got a steady gig in Ft. Lauderdale and doesn’t need the Karoke display. I’m hunting for software to streamline that process. Meanwhile all other music and performing remains on hold.
At the bookstore y’day, a series of language courses went on sale for $6. One of the was German. Wallace and I listened to Lesson One, and you know, we were able to follow the drill. Stick around to see how far that goes. And unlike my interest in Mandarin, which is confined to reading numbers, this German is spoken only. Some parts I couldn’t tell if it is one word or many.
The cruel jokes about Jackson are flying. Whose fault is that? Some sources are saying his death nearly grid-locked the Internet. Other sources say that is only because the announcement coincided with some long-awaited new music releases. One thing Jackson and I agree on is that all publicity is good, though I add the codicil that it is best when you make your living using it. I hope to some day.
Thus, I took a very close look at, um, I don’t know what they are called yet. Those sites that encourage everybody to be a reporter by sending in local news and pictures. They appear to be highly modified blogs, and encourage people to leave comments. The standard news categories are presented, such as weather, sports and community events. I’m looking for one that would be suitable for excerpts from this blog. Nothing so far. But what I've seen, these sites quickly degenerate into gossip.
Saturdays are at-home nights for me, and we listened to Andre on public television. I admit I prefer the music to the singing. But that might change if the lady singers made just a couple of small changes. Here and there.
The only other thing atypical of today was that we sampled powdered milk. I had explained to Wallace about the increasing number of recipes that call for it, and the impossibility of keeping two different types of liquid milk on the space available here. Using two precautions, the powdered milk makes good drinking, but is best as an ingredient. First, always make it in a glass container; second, make sure it is ice cold for a few hours before you use it. I’m just sayin’.
I’m taking some flak over my description of people who put a negative twist on everything. They seem to outnumber the rest of us, and get antsy when their illness is pointed out, even from this secluded distance. Let’s put it to the test. I’ll supply some facts and let the readers supply the conclusions. See how you do:
On August 20, 1923, a yacht owner (named Sterling Wincapaw) crashed his flying boat, whence a splinter from the wing went through his brain, killing him instantly. His two passengers (Miss Wilson and Mr. Light) survived. The official verdict was a gust of wind tangled the lady’s dress around the joystick, jamming it so solidly that it could not be unbound. What was Miss Wilson doing in the cockpit? Return on the anniversary, August 20 this year, for the answer.
Plus, I’d like to see if this new tactic increases readership.
(2015-06-27: yes, it increases readership, but not enough to justify the time it takes.)
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