Had I realized invisibility was so popular, I’d have written a screenplay by now. In this world, being invisible is likely just as much danger to the soldier as the enemy. It has been pointed out that a Japanese scientist has already done the “virtual invisibility” experiment. I am aware of that, and point out my “cloak” is a completely different arrangement. The Japanese guy takes a video behind the subject, and then projects that scene onto a model wearing a highly reflective poncho. The idea has merit, provided the enemy obligingly lets you set up the projector in his foxhole.
In my system, the incoming scene is digitalized, routed around the model via the countless paths of chips in the cloak, and beamed out the chips 180 degrees opposite. There is no reflected light needed. I got the idea from a Tom Swift booklet when I was 10, in which he made a submarine invisible to sonar by lining the sides with microphones. They picked up incoming sonar and transmitted it out the other side of the submarine. It would not have worked, because the sonar would just bounce off the microphones.
Does not my cloak have the same defect? Would not people just see the outer layer of microchips. No, in the process of being digitalized, the light waves are also boosted to a brighter level. To prove it works, ask yourself why you cannot see the stars during daylight. This is not fiction, if you give me enough money, I could build this device. (You would get all your money back a million times over. Just walk into the bank and take it.) Batteries not included.
I’m learning old CCR and more of Eddie’s music, including that old tune “Don’t Bury Me” about a guy who walked into the kitchen and died. He doesn’t want to be buried on the prairie. I always thought the lyrics said to give his name to a hurricane, but it is give his brain to a hurricane. My very own sing it wrong song. Anyway, I think we’ll soon have a full set of Creedance (the correct spelling). I’m digging the tunes out of my files, no thanks to the retarded MS search command. I’m so glad I didn’t pay them a penny for it, or I’d really be dissed.
How rare, but there was a cops and robber movie on Channel 3 that we had never seen. We missed the title and not once did it appear during the telecast. It concerned a terrorist hijacker but held to a theme I like. The well-funded, suave European terrorist as in Bruce Willis movies, I think are great. Fascinating, how they know the American system is geared toward law enforcement by the police instead of by the courts. It portrays how helpless police become when facing opposition who can defend themselves against such questionable tactics, which are too numerous to mention.
I think the bad guy’s name was Rand, so comment here if you know the movie. There was also another aspect I follow that may not be obvious. I watch to see how many different police forces get involved (because I think only one is necessary).
The good news is I have decided to get a better quality camera as soon as possible. Other than convenience, the one I’m using has too many shortcomings, including poor performance in low light. It also has a round case, which negates the self-timing feature because the camera rolls over no matter how you set it down. Brand name “Aries”.
Last, JP called. I knew it was only a matter of time before he needed the chain saw back. He phoned to say he’d be out here by 8:00 PM and we could spend an hour in the casino. It is now nearly 11:00 PM, meaning I predicted he would figure out it is cheaper to buy a new one for $39.95 than to make a 66 miles round trip. Hey, I warned him that when he lent it to me. Why else would I mention chain saws and invisibility in the same day? Gotcha!
[Author's note 2015-07-08: years later, I am still looking for a decent camera.]
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