The process led me to other places, the two that stand out are and These both use PayPal, who I dislike due to their finicky fee structures that eventually eat up a dormant account. I also dislike the idea of having to give out your name and bank account number on-line just to get paid your own money. (PayPal demands far too much information to be just a conveyor, so watch out.)
FireHow wins out for giving samples and being straightforward about payment. They make a deposit to your PayPal account in each month your earnings top $10, otherwise they roll it over. FireHow gets flak for being new, but one is quick to notice the publications are poorly written by the unschooled. Fresh territory. My articles are all geared to create ever more clicks on my other articles.
For example, I’ll tell you how to burn a CD with Nero, but the first instruction says if you do not have Nero installed, you have to link to another of my articles, all of which increase traffic. By examining FireHow, I suspect I could dominate a few areas. Their top posts right now number a few hundred hits, mostly on topics for nerd loosers like “How to Impress Her On A First Date”. Duh, if you have not already impressed her, what are you doing on a date? Trying to change her mind?
[Author’s note: “looser” is not a misspell. I am the guy responsible for once making that word popular on Craigslist.]
Now, some knowledge. I was over to see Racehorse Jack, and we got him an external DVD player, a Pioneer. Careful, these units require two direct (non-hubbed) USB ports to draw their power. The problem was, Jack has one of those MyGait Go computers for seniors. The Go browser opens on boot-up so you cannot see, or install, other programs. Or can you? Maybe, with my help.
The OS is good old Windows XP Home Edition. The problem is, you can’t easily get at it. Here are the instructions. First, at the Go splash screen, press ctrl-esc. Note that the Go keyboard calls esc “ES”. This opens the task bar along the bottom of the screen. There are two choices only, Network Places and Printers and Faxes. Open Printers and Faxes. Look down the navigation panel, the list along the left side of the box. One of them says “Other Places”, open it if it is not already open. There you’ll find what you need, if not, that ain’t my fault. Eighty dollars, please.
Jack has never watched a DVD movie. He still has a VHS tape deck, missing the patch cables. He also has two excellent brand digital cameras but has not the habit of using them. I am the proponent of at least carrying a cheap camera with you at most times. So you can take instant pictures of your pen holder.
Still weakened from last week, I grabbed a C++ book, the reason being the Arduino programming language is similar. The book was published in 1990 but so what, it is still code. It was a mistake. Titled “Teach Yourself… C++”, it is one of the worst written pieces of crap I’ve ever seen. It is so bad, it reads like a MicroSoft user manual, replete with undefined terms, “you're-supposed-to-knows” and “one-more-things”. Al Stevens, I want my money back. Actually, somebody gave me the book for free, and I still want my money back. And theirs, too. We can’t figure out who you are trying to impress.
In other news, Wallace has left.