Logic tells us there is no ultimate weapon and there never will be. Crossbows were once considered the final word, and so on. Thus, if aliens ever got here, they must have discovered methods of power far beyond the atomic or hydrogen bomb. It is so representative of idiots that they cannot imagine anything but their own limited experiences. If a more destructive weapon is invented, I have no doubt these self-styled experts will find evidence it was also used by the ancients. But only after these experts hear about it first, of course.
The same channel has another documentary on Tesla. They do go on about how he is the greatest, but carefully gloss over many difficult facts. Yes, Tesla had 200 patents. But only a few of them worked. Talking about sending electricity through the ground is far easier than actually doing it. While it is true Marconi used 17 of Tesla’s patents to build his radio, that does not make Tesla the co-inventor. Most inventions use components of existing technology put together in an original way.
Most of the speculation about Tesla is based on his coil, a very simple step-up transformer that increases voltage by decreasing current. This voltage, like static electricity, causes lightning flashes in the nearby air. In reality, the whole area is electrified, not just the flashes. A receiver of the proper frequency can convert enough of this energy back into current to power itself, much like a crystal radio set.
Tesla’s one big invention was AC current. The electricity is already in the wire, he just jiggled it back and forth 60 times per second. But to say Tesla was more than one of many turn-of-the-century inventors is pushing it. After the Civil War, becoming an inventor with patents was one of the few ways left to get rich quick and an awful lot of people were doing it.
Domestically, things are quiet. Every penny I earn is going into keeping this place afloat. You might say everybody is in their own little world and I am in my own medium-sized one. It is now 30 months to the day that I will be able to tap into that juicy phone company pension. (That will make me the youngest person ever to do so by some 24 years! True, I’m not a billionaire. But neither are you.)
I fully expect that pension will not be enough to live on as time goes by, but in combination with other known events that must occur in this decade, I will be one of the few ready for it. One known event is the collapse of North American old age pensions. All are based on taxation Ponzi schemes which are already past the point of no return. I am theoretically prepared for any direction things may take after 2012.
There are 85 million boomers out there with the assumption they can always make an instant transition from hourly workers into small shop owners if need be. Oh, they’ll get something because there will always be an economy of sorts, but the Visa Card sleigh ride is over. They’ll find out how little $450 a month really is when you can’t use it to borrow into the future. Milk is already $4 a quart and climbing weekly.
You would not believe the length the government goes through to disguise the true effects of inflation. Remember that “basket of goods”? Well, there’s a lot more junk food, air fresheners and useless computer crap in that basket these days, and the basket is plastic made in China. America is not the insular economy of the last Depression. Today one global disaster will topple the system. They say if there is a collapse, Texas is the only state that could feed itself. The fact is, the dollar is worth ten cents and about to take a major dive. What will you do to make ends meet?
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