Today I should pass the $6.00 mark. Yet it would be foolish to laugh because I’m slowly gaining a chunk of this market. My influence is already easily distinguishable on many other FireHow posts. I now have colossal knowledge of what not to try. And I know I’m producing quality, something the bulk of the others have mucho problems with. One dude published three paragraphs on how to make tight turns in an airplane. Now there’s a great concept: flying lessons on-line. Highly recommended for politicians.
Big Al is back. I had to let my phone service lapse for a week, resulting in tons of calls worried that I, too, had lapsed. After two years of study, we have concluded even the legitimate on-line work-at-home schemes are bogus. The Internet was custom made for the “finders” business, where you match up buyers and sellers. But as far as a stream of income, I’m not sure. Anyway, we are closely examining a package from California from some operator called Dr. Vincent Conti. Why does that name ring a bell? An alarm bell.
The biggest conclusion reached from looking over the offerings is the real money is to be made selling the packages. Forty dollars gets you 75 pages of instructions, which you have to print yourself. We found that print job taxes most home setups, and had to do it in five batches. Most of the literature is propaganda, overstating the obvious. And most of the work involves being in the right place at the right time. People need pure dumb luck, not instructions.
Here’s an idea with a better chance of success. Okay, you know how Magic Jack only works when your computer is on? Why not take some old computer parts and build something with a screen that matches the size of the Magic Jack display? A dedicated mini-box for the phone. Then people can leave that on instead of the whole computer.
Stay away from Peoplestring, some kind of hair-brained Internet junk sales outfit selling dreams. Their site alters your system registry and is full of those new blind-click hotspots, I’m not even sure of the new name for them. The Peoplestring “make this my default page” takes over a bunch of your Windows libraries and causes Windows to crash when you uninstall the product.
Have you seen those riots in Greece? That goes a little beyond civil unrest, I was shocked to see massive crowds attacking police lines with clubs and Molotov cocktails. Not American style where the police provoke a fight and then charge, but human wave assaults without any pretense at negotiation. I knew they had trouble with their finances but I had no idea it was leading up to armed rioting in the streets.
Pete the Rock was by and left a note. I’m biking over to see him in the morning. I walked home from the library late today. In the heat, it took me an hour and ten minutes to cover the two and a half miles. The heat is unbearable and getting more so each day. The library was packed. I swallowed a quart of iced lime-ade soon as I got into the house. Honestly, I don’t know which is worse, the hurricanes once in a while, or the summer heat.
Later, FireHow is not up to $6.06 with 1,679 clicks. It is too early to tell but my rate per click is rising at the fourth decimal point. I’ve contacted to ask if they’ll link to my site and discovered there are dozens of bassists that also noticed the lack of a btab site (bass tab). Epinion does not allow links in their reviews, and I see quite a number of sites are publishing my reviews without my knowledge. I’ll look into that.
One of my peeves is sites where the search takes you to a home page rather than to the search phrase. On, I scrolled down 20 pages without finding where they stashed my review. But since they sent me a check for $70, I’m not complaining. However, it weakens the confidence of people who expect top quality when they search for my publications. does this all the time, you search on a specific product and you get their whole damn catalog.
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