Fred has a major motorcycle show coming up, or is it five shows. Anyway, I was in the vacant shop until noon doing more research. Yes, the hot dogs came up again, and I conclude same as y’day, that unless you get the cart free you had best not leave anything until the last minute. I mentioned it to Eddie, who says he knows some local shows that always want another operator. See, now he wants a cart, too. I’ll talk to Pete the Rock. But it would not be the first time Pete has found something for free that costs $500.
I’ve met guitar player number 16. Yes, I’ve given them a number, and taken way their names. If you must know, it is Dave. He’s a yahoo-type, but he can play the required rhythms and is receptive to the idea that a guitarist is not necessarily the star of my show. He was the only customer in the shop by the time I’d left.
Bingo, while not another record-breaker, was a success. The crowd has begun to vary week to week along with the regulars. One lady brought chocolate brownies, the ones with walnuts. Addicting walnuts. If all the factions ever show up on the same day, Bingo will be a sellout. Saturdays have gone from Dullsville to a money-maker for us all. It got me by this month. But I better get off my ass and start learning to sing for my supper.
I must borrow the over-used term “oppressive” for the heat at mid-day. The A/C here cannot keep up. This is a perpetual problem with mobile homes. The insulation cannot be made thick enough to keep the temperatures in the comfort zone without installing a second unit and paying the piper. The piper being Florida Power and Light, who double as a tax-payer supported collection agency, un-deputized sheriffs, and Big Brother. We’ve got FPL, and FPL has your file, so who needs a KGB?
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