If I don’t get this drum box happening, there is going to be a default on the rent in a month or two. But one cannot expect certain types to see that far into the future. They want to be comfortable now, and to hell if that means zero productivity now and hardships later. The easiest thing to do would be to work on the other dining table, but that has a glass top, hardly suitable for work. For those who are curious why I didn’t work there anyway, well, it seems it is covered with potatoes. That’s right, potatoes. What was that comment about convenience?
This flashes back memories of my pre-teen years. There was no place to work in our house except at the kitchen table and this was deliberate. All projects were forced to be short term and exposed to constant criticism. The same table was also used to prepare some but not all foods, and it always amazed me how those foods ever became necessary on the exact same times I had a project on the table.
I honestly believe it is part of the entire peasant mentality that anyone trying to get ahead also gets in their way and their own ignorance makes the process subconscious. But what is ignorance except the untrained subconscious? If they were not this type of peasant, then are you suggesting I somehow knew a week in advance whenever somebody absolutely had to bake a cake at 9:00 that evening?
But, it does not matter. I can already look back on a lifetime of massive accomplishments despite having to contend with the lumpen proletariate. Edison and Ford built their workshops in the middle of nowhere just to get away from the whining and sniveling. I can look forward to my privacy again shortly, the present situation is all a result of a totally unexpected medical condition.
Trust me, I had my affairs arranged far better than this. My life is an endless pattern of highs and lows, but anything is better than constant nothingness. Those who lead do-nothing lives fit better in a herd of their own species where they can all do nothing together. And stampede together when the time comes.
As usual, I will work around all difficulties both real and contrived, but it is not to be wondered why I owe nobody favors once I get something up and running. Here is some trivia in keeping with my mood today. Did you know in 1966 during the Viet Nam war, it took Americans 27,035 rounds of ammunition to kill one Viet Cong? Jesus, how did they even find the body?
Here’s something: you should not take those chewable vitamin C tablets. The vitamin is an acid that slowly erodes your tooth enamel. That’s another example of something I liked being ruled bad. What? Well, your stomach can handle the acid. Way ahead of you on that one.
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