Yes, it is a Russian sub. The real McCoy. However, those two bridges in the background tell you this is not in Russia. It is an old diesel boat, strongly showing the WWII German design. I can’t believe my records have never mentioned this boat before, so do let me know if I’ve forgotten something. Say, isn’t that hammer and sickle backwards? I don’t know. But this boat was towed across the ocean as an exhibit. I paid $12 for the tour.

Back to the present, I spoke to Pete the Rock again. He’ll try to get a snapshot of the hot dog cart, but he says getting one even for himself may not be easy. It turns out the owner’s son is in charge and is the type that hates it when anybody else makes a dollar without giving him his cut. I even got the brand name of the carts. Starts with an “I” but I promptly forgot.
I was distracted. I did a quick shop at Winn/Dixie and was wide-eyed at the prices. Corn is a dollar a cob. What do you expect when they’re using it to make biofuel? I read a statistic that although the American farmer feeds 50 people, if the whole world used similar farming machinery, the entire oil supply would be gone in less than twelve years. Generally, prices are three times what they were in 2006 when I began making predictions and comparisons.
Filling out forms is my specialty, and I got plenty of practice today concerning my medical insurance. All I can say is they have really tightened up the system and it’s about time. If they’d been this strict 40 years ago they might not be broke today. Absolutely everything is cross-referenced from bank accounts to birth certificates. Then again, I just happen to have every document ever issued all filed in good order. There you go.
The local papers are reporting record bankruptcies again, and this time they are specifically naming medical costs as a major cause. We are going to see a lot more of this shortly. Most people that are insured are covered for one disaster only and seem unaware that the rules change after that first payout. Thereafter, any excuse suffices to cancel your coverage and you’ll find you cannot afford the premiums anywhere else. Then you are not covered fully for the second disaster and it is time to kiss your house, car, and pension goodbye.
I could point out that I normally could care less about bankruptcies and such, because that involves people who borrowed money. My interest is personal, in that I was brought to the very edge of bankruptcy yet I have NEVER borrowed money. It was here that I realized as far as the American system has evolved, the system behaves as if one lives in debt and thus your food and rent are a debt owed in the future even if you are not a cent in debt. Hey, it just happened to me.
Everything you worked for and counted on will be gone. Not only will you be faced with horrendous hospital bills, you’ll be starting over again from scratch with nothing because the government will not help you until you have less than $2,000 in assets. Furthermore, you can never acquire more than that amount ever again, or they cut you off. Don’t even consider trying to work under the table, because you’ve voted away all privacy you ever had claiming you had “nothing to hide”. There are no cash jobs any more that pay what they used to, because you didn’t stand up for tougher immigration laws as you wanted to be viewed as “tolerant”.
Mind you, there is always music, shoe-making and hot dog carts. Except you’ll be competing with people who know what they are doing and all the good locations are taken. The marketplace is totally saturated by small operators these days. Frankly, you probably don’t stand a chance. But Pizza Hut is always hiring, so I’m told.
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