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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

           It was finally a cool enough day with nobody poking around that I was able to get into the old trailer court and grab this picture. This is the proof we’ve been waiting for, how my “historical” mobile home is holding up a multi-million dollar project. Isn’t it a thing of beauty? And all over $1,250 to boot. Don’t laugh, mobile homes are the only way left in Florida to beat the system, as it were.
           I’ll explain the problem once again. A week before I purchased this unit, I was in the office on a fact-finding mission. It was mere days after I moved in that that same office tacked a note on everybody’s door that they were buying us out, in my case, for $1,250 less than I had just paid. It seems to me a week earlier one of the dozens of people in that office could have told the truth when I asked them, “Is there anything else I should know?”

           Author's note 2015-06-22: There are a fairly standard set of questions I've learned to ask all sellers, and another is "Have you told me everything that is important?". I had asked both these questions to the office, who were certainly aware their place was up for sale, and that there was a standard buy-back package. They neglected to mention anything and that oversight eventually cost them big time. The property sat vacant for years until the city had a shadow buyer pick it up for fifty cents on the dollar.

           Today is also Barbarossa Day, but who remembers? I see a note to myself asking why, if D-Day was the biggest and most important invasion in history, why did they only take about 15 photos and newsreels? You know, the same ones they keep showing for the last 65 years.
           Here’s current trivia. It is estimated more than 3,600,000 Americans were “resistant” to the last census. That makes sense, given the government’s reputation of abuse of the information. The popular objection is that the census people target law-abiding citizens, who are the type most likely to have legitimate jobs and have addresses, the information the census wants. Then the government taxes them extra to give welfare to illegal aliens. Which is true. I remain a libertarian, saying only those who want to be counted should be counted, but the ones who don’t disqualify themselves from Medicaid or Social Insurance. Unless they become illegal.
           Or this item about a bear who killed a hiker in Wyoming. It seems just before the attack, the bear had been shot with a tranquilizer dart and tagged. So the rangers killed the bear for “unnatural aggression”. What a bunch of twisted bastards. My message to all bears, next time find a ranger and rip the bastard’s head right off. Take one with you. The rangers killed the wrong dumb animal. Whose idea was it anyway to started drugging and tagging wild animals? Leave them alone. That works.
           Then there is that honey bee die off. Turns out the culprit may be a bee disease from imported Australian bees. When will America learn no importation of foreign species is to be allowed. Ever. Have you seen those jumping carp in the Mississippi? The alligators in New York? The Burmese pythons in the Everglades? It is clear some people will never learn their own lessons. Until they get their head’s ripped off.
           Pudding-Tat came by for a visit. Florida’s most famous cat has taken up new digs across the way with the neighbors. There is no telling how long she will play them for food and what-not. She still does the patrol around the house. My guess is she’ll stay there as long as there are other cats in this place.
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