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Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29, 2010

           Here’s that idea that keeps cropping up when times are bad. These pubs on wheels are manufactured in Germany (I think) and sell for outrageous prices here. And it is that price that gets me thinking. First a reminder of a few details, since we looked at one of these a year or two back. The outfit does not sell liquor, but the waitress will serve what the customers provide for themselves.
           The wooden barrel contains ice (I'm told). There are thirteen seats, with ten sets of pedals connected to a common shaft. (Notice the man sitting above the rear tire has no pedals.) I’ve provided a large picture today so you can examine the rig. See the carbon dioxide cylinder?
           The customers pedal and move the rig along at a few miles per hour. Personally, I think it is a great idea only in a warm climate. Now back to the money. These rent for $190 per hour! To buy one costs in the order of $40,000. Now you and I both know it is not worth that kind of money, being a metal frame on wheels.

           Dave-O used to be a metal worker and has all the medium-sized tools to build this type of thing. To be exact, he is a card-carrying member of the ornamental ironworkers union. And unemployed carpenters are a dime a dozen in this town. I believe we could build one of these for less than $5,000. And probably do a better job. The idea would be to team up with a pub on the beach, all of whom are hurting pretty badly these days. Judging by what I see in that area, this is a minimum $500 per day idea. I would try immediately to get the thing licensed but that is politically unlikely in this town.
           I’ve warned before about buying on sale in Florida, for it is seldom regular stock being sold on clearance. Well, I go this can of bug spray and it seemed okay. I wondered about that. Now, months later, I found the defect. Each time you replace the plastic cap, it gets harder to remove the next time. This morning, it would not come off at all until I pried it off on the edge of the counter. The force required broke the plastic stem off the spray nozzle. And I mean broken right inside the housing, so I have to throw out a nearly full can of product.
           I read about a novel use for old telephone coily cords. Snip off the jack plugs and use the coil to hold together unruly bundles of wires and cables behind your desk. Why didn’t I think of that?
           I can tell you what I did think of, mind you. Wallace should be in Ontario by now. He tends to forget that I am just as familiar with the Canadian system as he is. That daughter who convinced him to screw me around always had one purpose in mind: to get her claws on the title to this property. That would be the twisted tale of a century to find out how she exploited Wallace to lay her hands on that document. Wallace is a blind fool to fact when it comes to conniving relatives.

           However, let me explain something that isn’t in the rule book. At the computer shop, we occasionally had seniors try to shaft us. They would call the cops to complain we overcharged. I learned two things. One: elder abuse is a felony for it carries a mandatory jail sentence of more than one year. It does not matter who is right or wrong, you cannot cause grief or aggravation to an elder or you will be arrested. Two: the police are required by law to follow up every report of elder abuse. Admittedly, that last bit used to surprise us, particularly when the elder was just trying to get out of paying their bill. The police still had to come around.
           Further, elder abuse is considered the more serious if the accused is not an elder. Several times I found my self being “interviewed” (think interrogated) by Federal detectives because I was the only man in the shop under that age. One phone call by any elder could put us through the FBI meatgrinder and they aren’t just snooping believe you me. Now add one more factor: disabled persons (such as myself since 11:21 AM on August 21, 2010) are legally deemed to be elders. Do I have to repeat that or is the message getting through?
           Either way, I learned by it and people had better think twice or three times before they get any cockamamie ideas about bothering me. Oh yes, I know all about the cavalry and the bugles. Watch for the convoy between Sunday and next Friday.

           So much drama!

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