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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010

           The import of this picture is that it is taken with my newest digital camera, a Jazz DV150, which replaces the DV125. Both are inadequate for serious use, having the same defects in operation and design. In fact, the old camera was better than the new one, which cannot focus closer than beyond arms length. The LCD is worse and it is dreadfully slow to bring into action.
           The point is we are back to “live” photos and I admit, we’ve missed a few good ones. The software that came with the new camera is a vastly improved version of ArcSoft, who finally seems to have gotten themselves on track. The application sorts and organizes files from all media sources, and although it displays an excellent slide show, it cannot save or export that show. Duh.

           This is a pair of jeans. I had a couple pair just like this back on the farm. Except they were missing the $90 price tag. I went ahead and bought two new shirts, my first in quite some time. And, I’m scouting for a pair of jeans, something I have not worn in at least ten years except on stage. Prices like this make me tend to look for a good tailor and I think there is one over on Federal.
           Here is a second photo of a sure way to lose my business, Ross Dress for Less. You see, the bike rack at W/D [Winn/Dixie] is half a block away, in an unpatrolled but high traffic area. Nobody would notice anyone stealing a bike, locked up or not. Also, if you already have a bag or two of goods tied down on your basket, you want to park right outside the main doors to keep an eye on it. They won’t let you bring the bag inside (or you have to wait to check it) and they won’t watch it for you.
           This is the parking lot over near the Panera, where everyone used to just lock their bike to those handy poles stuck right in the middle of most sidewalks in this town. The simple solution is just to put up a bike rack. But no.

           I have compiled a 300 plus collection of stills that depict my life here in Florida over the past five years (since January 2006). It is quite impressive in the spectrum (of coverage), everything from music on the beach to shoemaking to Everglades excursions to Christmas with the billionaires. Only to find out I don’t have any slide show software, only video stuff that requires each transition to be inserted manually. This is distribution grade material as it represents the best of some 11,000 total photos, none of which are staged and many are clearly opportunistic. Be nice and I may publish a few next day or so, and I don’t do a lot of landscapes.
           In prep for my big date this Sunday, I loosened the purse strings for some new apparel, and got myself a $200 pair of leather shoes for $10. I happen to know these shoes were of top quality and had just been repaired to good as new. Tomorrow, a new pair of casual slacks and I’m good to go. I also stopped by the train terminal to pick up a new schedule and check prices. I can now travel return to Miami for $3.25 and possibly less on the weekend. Why would I drive it now? (That’s a rhetorical question, since I have transportation waiting for me at the far end.)
           On the other hand, have you seen food prices? Or does the woman do all your shopping. Well, believe her when she says that inflation has returned. A gallon of milk is now $3.50. Consider that it is 95% water. And a can of chili, hey, I happen to like canned chili, is $2.00 or roughly the same cost as making it yourself. Gee, maybe we can import our food from China and then everybody could become a telemarketer, a masseuse, or break into pizza delivery. That’s all they do around here anyway.

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