How about two pictures a day until the new camera wears off? Good, I like the idea myself. Here are my fancy new shoes, brown because I already have a pair of black dress shoes and I don’t own any black trousers, instead having to get by on charm and good looks. I test rode the train today up to Ft. Lauderdale airport station, which is miles from the airport but right next to Outdoor World and Pro Bass Shop. They all pronounce “bass” funny up there.
But don’t go thinking Coleman is your buddy. You have to buy the complete pump assembly ($8.99), not just the washer. It comes with badly translated instructions which require you to learn their vocabulary, as in “I think they mean that little black plastic ring at the top”. There are some out of sequence diagrams on the back of the carton printed precisely where you have to cut them in half to remove the contents. Still, any company that stocks parts for something last made in 1963 is to be commended.
I stopped downtown to watch an hour of the CMA, the Country Music Awards. There were just too many artists I’ve never heard of and they all sang slow songs. That includes Taylor Swift, who played piano and dragged on forever. She was painted up like young women shouldn’t oughtta be and I thought she was going to doze off along with the audience. She is sure making the transition from babe to skank fast and early but like Dolly, I believe we are stuck with her a long time. (I admit later to being wrong about this. Swift quickly learned to chuck the pretty boys.)
Even worse for throwing in non-descript originals where the crowd was expecting a familiar hit was “Lady Antebellum”. TV mobs force themselves to have a good time, so of course some jerk starts applauding such crap and the rest follow suit. Plus, you talk about a band that lacks stage presence. It is a good thing she had family money to record because her real skill set would otherwise put her around the $8 per hour secretary mark. I turned it off when I saw the 40 year old singer for “Sugarland” wearing some white pants she stole from her daughter’s bottom dresser drawer. I could have overlooked all the above it they’d played the music they were getting the awards for.
Oh, an in case you are wondering, when I was four years old, the nearest electricity was approximately five hours away by DC-3. It is truly foolish for anyone to think I would be bothered by a little thing like no electric.
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