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Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6, 2010

           It is cold. If you are heading to Florida, bring a jacket or some sweaters. Overnight is already in the low fifties, the sign of a long, bitter, cold winter. And yes, I know what cold is. Florida is that damp cold of the Lower Mainland, the cold that cuts through layers of clothing. To warm up, I swept the spider webs from the yard, they are the major wildlife in the forest. However, no way am I putting my hands in cold water and the sink is piled up. There, how is that for domestic bachelor information? Had enough?
           Me too. I was up at Howard’s again to put the finishing touches on his Wiki bio. As a model, we used the same format at the Sun Yat Sen page. We added a few extras from other areas where things looked novel or interesting. While writing about living persons is not something I always endorse, I see that there is no shortage of vanity postings on Wikipedia. That’s despite their efforts to keep it down.
           Howard was a boost to work with, as he is handily the most educated person in the area. He was professor and head of the Philosophy departments at Virginia U, Commonwealth U and Teachers College. To name a few. I also discovered even at this late point in the game, many of these institutions do no yet have an on-line directory of alumni or former staff. Hey, get on the train before you’re permanently left behind. Like some people I know.

           Other new facts of today are that Wikipedia will accept a book listed for sale on Amazon as a valid reference link. Now you quit thinking that! But there is no reason not to write a book, as somebody will buy it if you place it on Amazon. The next fact is that Bellsouth no longer allows new accounts on its mail server. They have been swallowed whole by AT&T. It took Fred and myself nearly an hour of poking around the Bellsouth web site to discover this well-hidden fact, and even then it was worded so expertly and cutely we almost wept like schoolgirls at the effort. Almost.
           No gig tonight, as the PA was late getting up to Jimbos. I would have had to ride 16 miles in the cold breeze to get it together. Instead, I gave everyone the night off and drank hot chocolate. Cowboy Mike called saying he was impressed by the drum machine work at the Stork (coffeehouse) and he’s got some background tracks made up. Would I let him show up and play a set at my gigs? Yes, since he will promptly book himself at the beach and invite us there, but yes even if not.

           Mike’s description of the backing tracks still show that he and the other musicians think I am using drum tracks. No, I am using drum beats which are controlled by a footswitch. Trust me, I am a busy boy on that stage. (I later quit pursuing beats, as they tended to further relegate the bass player to a secondary role.) The Hippie was always resistant to drum beats which everybody says is because he has to be the star of his own show. To which I say that has always been true so if they don’t like it, don’t join his show. Works for me. Ray-B is playing at the Walkabout this afternoon, proof positive it is still in business. I told him I’d show if it wasn’t too cold. It is far too cold.

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