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Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7, 2010

           Strange product of the year, this is not cigarette smoke. This model is exhaling water vapor. From American Blue Tip, this lithium powered “cigarette” claims to provide the same sensations as smoking by converting water to the vapor seen here. Inhaling, they allege, is harmless and the gadget can be used anywhere. Smoking in bed is safe. The ad offers a 30-day free trial but does not mention price. They don’t want you to have a heart attack.

           [Author's note: it turns out the vapor cigarette is a scam to get your email address and credit card number. Although the trial is 30 days, if you do nothing in 15 days, you are billed $199 for the kit and locking into $99 per month payments for replacement cartridges. There is a company called "smokeless delight" that seems to offer fair pricing.]

           Wallace has to show up soon, I suspect he is already on the way. You see, Pete the Rock was at the door and needs a place to stay. He reports again that he has bought a house and needs interim accommodation, thirty days. I cannot be 100% certain the woman is gone, so this is insurance she cannot return. I said okay but that the final word is Wallace’s and there will be no argument about that.
           My logic is that Pete was here before and paid, he is a friend of Wallace, is reasonable and this will help get the electric reconnected. Remember, the electric is not off because of any dispute with Wallace, but because the woman would not pay up. If I can take steps to make sure Wallace doesn’t have to shell out big bucks as soon as he arrives, I feel it is my duty to do so.
           That, plus my sources say Wallace has been emailing about town asking if Pete has made his millions yet. Wallace’s favorite coffeeshop, the Mariposa on Hallandale, is gone. Bankrupt. Prices just too dear for that part of town. Pete also says he’ll help with the yard work, which I appreciate. He moved in last night. (He never helped with anything.)
           Good, because bingo was a bust. The Moose was having some big annual celebration and the rest of the town was dead. The game went on, call it fun without profit. It got me out of the house, which was welcome in this freezing weather. I had to hunt through the whole house to find quilts and blankets for Pete.

           Fred got up to some fancy hotel in Ft. Walton with the motorcycle drill team. Talk about first class everything. They feasted and partied for three days, including fishing trips and some pretty fancy shopping. The motorcycles are transported there by trailer and used only for show. That makes sense, as the other end of Florida is a third of the way to California, as I’ve pointed out before. In fact, except for the Mandarin Oriental, I would say that is the most lavish hotel I’ve seen in the state.

           This blog has taken what I consider a wrong turn*. To log onto my account now requires going through Google. I don’t like Google for anything except searching. You may recall years ago how Google defended their right to privacy by refusing to give customer’s personal and usage information to the government. It might have helped if Google felt the same way about keeping those kind of files on their customers in the first place. I feel strongly enough about such issues to consider moving the blog.
           Now the fun part. I got to tell off a Canadian this morning. I get a heavy French accented call that the computer was in the shop and now he can’t get on the Internet. The guy is mean-mouthing Fred, saying his computer wasn’t fixed right. Last week Fred called me over to set up that very email account, which I did and tested thoroughly by sending a letter back to itself. When I set up a computer, it is done right. But this idiot was saying it did not work.
           I asked him to get on the computer and tell me what he is doing over the phone. It turned out his old computer had been configured to pull up his email home page (Bellsouth) when he turned it on. That company stopped new service and switched to AT&T. The guy was such a moron he did not even know how to go to the AT&T home page, insisting it was somehow Fred’s job to do that for him.
           I tried to walk him through it but he was such a screw-up that he kept entering his username in the address bar. But when he started insinuating I didn’t know what I was talking about, I advised him to go back to computer school and learn how to work one of these things before he starts running off at the mouth. He hit the roof. So I told him to go to hell and hung up, ah but that felt good. Goddamn Canadians never touched a computer till this century and all of a sudden they’re telling me how it’s done.

           *[Author's note 2015-11-7: this has become a universal requirement for blogs, and my notice here was fair warning. Google absorbed my blog company ( and imposed a rule that to use Google, you MUST establish one account, and give them a piece of contact information that allows them to identify and track you. They are not going through all that trouble for nothing. In the end, I remained with Blogger, since all the rest are even worse. Google believes I am in Venezuela.]

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