Here's a late shot of the Art Show, in this case a robot head made of spare parts. The eyes are working cameras with the display shown upside down on the temples. You can see the size, it was a keen draw for the children, practically the only art for that age group other than t-shirts and free trinkets.
This may be a repeat item, but during this same week, I have passed the million mile mark in my life, that is, I have traveled a million miles. This includes airplane trips and the 13,443 miles I have ridden a bicycle. That last figure includes my distance when I had a paper route as a pre-teen. Are you sure I haven't told you about this already? Anyway, I have also noticed that people who drive a lot would have a very hard time reaching the million-mile mark, but at the same time are certain they have done it. Usually it is their imagination. Only about half of Americans travel as much as I, and the amounts are declining, that is, people are traveling less, not more.
I spent a half-hour with my lawyer today, going over documents. It seems my adversaries are not obeying the Da Vinci rule: never undertake any project that will cause you to suffer if it does not work out as planned. Da Vinci probably said it fancier than I just did, but the concept is the same. Also, we have analyzed a series of weaknesses in my opponents which will practically guarantee they will fail in a courtroom. For example, who do we know that always changes the subject whenever he starts losing an argument? Who do we know that will lie if he thinks he has been caught on a technical or legal point?
My lawyer thinks I should have seen this coming while I protest saying I don't normally go looking for shortcomings in my friends. Make that soon-to-be-ex-friends, Wallace & Theresa. He says it should have been obvious from telltale indicators like the head full of old-wive's tales they both had. That's true, some idiots really do think bird dogs should not eat chicken bones, that the Jews stole Israel from the Arabs, and that chess is intellectually superior to other children's games.
There is also a slew of contradiction and hypocrisy now uncovered, he says just walk away from it. Some people are trying to have it both ways. To be fair, I do not believe that my judgment in friends is wrong, nor is it that I chose bad people to associate with. The plausible explanation is that I did not allow for undue interference from greedy and self-serving relations-though I would have instantly spotted those relations as half-breed scum instantly had we ever met. Note that I would never notice anyone was a half-breed unless I first noticed they were scum. That's an important distinction my enemies and other idiots should take into consideration. There will be more on this topic in a few weeks, for at this point my lawyer and I are deciding which of the actionable wrongs are the best to pursue, if I do.
Make no mistake about it. If you have indulged in any wrong-doing, such as breaching a verbal contract with me, interfering in private business affairs, making false attestations (such as saying you are poor while driving an $18,000 car) to the court, or attempting to enlist the court to enforce a meritless claim, then you should be very worried.
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