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Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25, 2011

           Today's material is a little different, but I need to clear up some misconceptions. First of all, it is not true that there is no medical insurance in the USA. That kind of nonsense is "Canada-think". The difference is that in the USA, you pay for it, not the government. I, for instance, have plenty of medical insurance. I have never paid single penny for my stents, hospital stays or surgery. Not one red cent.

           [Author's note: I cannot remind Americans too often that nothing is free in Canada, and nothing ever will be, including medical. The medical is paid for via taxation and the average wait time is more than 18 weeks, although this varies by province. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) does not report on the frequency of death during these lengthy lineups. Doctors are allowed to incorporate (limit their liability), but the general difficulty of suing anyone in Canada makes this less scary than in the American system. Abuse is controlled by using health insurance ID cards which make frivolous users wait even longer.]

           Furthermore, I do not pay anything for my prescriptions. Plavix is now $244 per month, Tricor is something like $187. I don't pay anything, although sometimes there is a $2 co-pay if I use the hospital pharmacy. In all, it is totally untrue that there is no insurance in the USA and equally untrue to think that I didn't have insurance. I was and am completely insured for medical bills of all kinds for life.
           What I did not have insurance for was loss of income at such an early age--I was reaching my peak earning years, banking $500 a week in my spare time. (Yes, I had unemployment insurance, but that ran out, since it is intended for those who can go back to work.) People would need rocks in their head to think I would not work if I possibly could. Hell, I was making five grand a month sitting at a desk, driving a Cadillac and banking $600 per week. It is completely false and/or shallow-minded to think I am lazy. I was (symptomatically) in perfect health and had planned on working at least another twenty years when I was laid low.

           And when I say planned, I don't mean the Panera-style bullsh. These were real, written retirement plans that included property in Belize, a $250,000 slush fund, and they are published here, you can go back and look them up. What happened instead is that I had to cash in my 401(k) and other plans to survive on while it was being legally and medically determined that I could not return to work, ever. I confided this information to false friends who took the opportunity to do a little back-stabbing.
           That is the exact explanation of why I went partners with Wallace. He is the only person in the world who knew that I could only afford $3,600 per year rent for two consecutive years. That was the arrangment, never was there a contract of landlord-tenant between us. Yet, that is what he is now falsely maintaining, so it is his turn to show it to the Judge in writing.
           What happened after his daughter found out about the purchase, she instantly began to worry that she might not get her hands on the $18,000 and went to work on Wallace. She convinced him that I was "freeloading" and that any degree of comfort I derived from "his" property is something that I should pay dearly through the teeth for. Wallace does not think like that, so I'm beginning to suspect that trip to Alaska in 2008 was at her insistance to gain time to work on him. He showed up in September with the attitude I was "preventing" him from renting the place for $1,200 per month.

           Since that point, he has broken every rule of civilized behavior. He does not deserve to be treated fairly, however, to treat him unfairly would be to admit I was totally wrong in becoming friends and I am not prepared to admit such a thing. But I do know that underhanded people always have something to hide, and I intend to find out exactly what she is hiding. We begin by finding out who did not like her in high school. Isn't the Internet wonderful when you know how to use it?

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