Tomorrow, you'll find me at a Bluegrass event. At last week's art festival, I only saw one other person in the place with blue eyes. Meanwhile, I was up at the Barn on Griffin, the bookstore with the humungous self-help section at the front door. For those that feel the need. The three books on electronics are way in the back, next to the dictionaries. I've read them all, there is no OFF button on the smart switch, said David Letterman.
Now familiar with the e-book situation, I conclude it has all the features of just another scam. I could not find any straight answers concerning compatibility between manufacturers, and there are plenty of units for sale on the market that are no longer supported. This is important, since an e-reader should not easily become obsolete, but they do. This is deliberate, so except for dismal battery life, one is just as far ahead using a notebook computer as a reader.
Also, I was tricked by the huge number of sites that advertise they will let you download books for free. The only worthwhile site is called Gutenburg, and most of their public domain offerings are either fiction or from the 1700s. Those who advertise free are liars, often it requires registration or membership, and in many cases the books can only be read on-line, not downloaded. Some books are just the hardcopy scanned into PDF format and do not adjust properly for the differing e-reader screen sizes.
Other rip-offs include outfits like which try to install a toolbar on your computer (stick it where it feels good, alot) and which is found by a search specifying "free downloads" and turns out to be a site plugging vanity publishing. And don't waste your time with Truth in advertising laws don't seem to apply to the Internet and it is clear e-book people are not bound by any ethics or moral code I've ever heard of.
More congratulations are in order for the Asus Eee PC, the maker of my notebook computer. They have the idiotic touchpad system and get this, a screen size that does not conform to any of the standard selections available for Windows. When you get either the horizontal or vertical to display right, it clips the other dimension. Way to go, Asus, but we didn't really need any help to figure out you are inbred.
Bingo was the top event of the day. The prizes are consistently some of the highest in town for such a small room. I heard a frightening rumor that the trailer court is going to ban all playing of music in the evenings. That would be dumb as it is practically unenforceable. Doesn't bother me, as I practice during the day, but just the thought of it is scary. I tend to disrespect delegated authority (not disobey, Runt, just disrespect). I'll listen to a forest ranger, but not a town councellor or a meter maid.
Then, Ray-B dropped by. He was in the area and spotted my scooter from seeing it on the Internet. Finally, proof that a blog is good for something. As soon as I get settled, I'll make it a point to show up where he's playing but for now, I can't afford to hang out at G's Place where we met once, unless Alex the babe is on duty.
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