Happy St. Patrick's Day and if you are going to Kelley's on Harrison, have an extra one. They are closing the doors permanently end of this month. That's another landmark replaced by some shigga-booga restaurant you can't afford.
This composition I call Guitar and Scooter. That’s Jag’s guitar in the grass while he ran back inside to get a helmet. Another perfect day, we spent two hours going over material to provide a rhythm that sounds super-country with just bass and guitar. The parts are so over-played, it is not so easy at all. It is acoustic music but neither of us can afford a hollow-body, so we are stuck with the unsuitable Fender sound. We’ve both agreed to take a closer look at some rhythm harmonica.

There’s two ways to be broke, one is flat busted, the other is no cash but all the bills are paid. I had to make the transition in record time and I know who tried to shaft me because I appeared vulnerable in the process. We shall now have to teach that person a lesson. Actually, they’ve already been taught, they just haven’t realized it yet.
Enrique passed by again, he’s got no water at all now. Dang, don’t you hate it when that happens? Lucky for him, I found my complete set of couplings and fittings I was going to use for my home-made X-ray machine. If it ain’t in there, they don’t make it. He owes me, you have any idea what it would cost to get a tradesman out there? I worked in the sunlight half the day and that’s enough. I gave him the whole box and told him to return the balance.
After an hour I went over there to find he has snapped the metal fitting off the water heater, not just the plastic feed pipe. I gave him his old water heater back, the one that was under the counter, since it was originally his. Careful, that last sentence is carefully worded to be misleading on at least five counts. Those who make assumptions will be fooled. Wallace was never going to let me connect it anyway.
As I went to study, I noticed the Jeopardy was on again (I tend to have regimented habits) and the Tom guy was on again, racking up another $30,601, but they are finding him tougher competition. They must be having a rough time, he tends to stay well ahead unless somebody gets lucky. I can identify with Tom. If you assume the others are normal, he’s a genius. I know the feeling, but the reality is this: he is normal and the rest are damn idiots.
I was up past 11:00 PM last night and I’m beginning to suspect no amount of ingenious wiring can rig up a 3x3 dot matrix on regular breadboard. I may have to settle on a 2x2 as proof of concept. I got a brain-ache from trying to figure this one out. Tell you what else doesn’t ring up is the claims that e-books and e-publishing are taking over. True, the sales are growing annually. But if you tally the numbers, most of the assertions about big times are manipulated statistics.
Here’s a real statistic. A third of the prisoners in Federal prisons are not American citizens. Mexicans mostly. Why are we not shipping this element back by the busload? It is a given that the Washington Whimps will never grow a spine, but don’t the border states have some authority of their own? And I don’t just mean Arizona.
Last, I read a detailed report on people classified as “non-survivors”. These are the first people to die when anything goes wrong. I’ll tell you the terms, see if you can identify who all this reminded me of. Primary trait of this brand of loser is they do not have a history of normal life participation. Instead, they lock themselves into family, church and fiction entertainment. They tend to dislike others who are knowledgeable of the world around them. Then, there are the four tell-tale clues: they are apathetic, easily discouraged, quick to anger, and isolated from the mainstream of society. Yep, that’s who I thought of, too.
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