This time, I really took the transistors through the paces. That’s why they get top billing today. It seems there are two schools, one that says the transistor should control the power supply, others that it should control the ground. Both will work, but the ground method seems more logical to me. You don’t have to match the transistor to the voltage being supplied. Here is the circuit that kept me busy for three hours. You can clearly see the 3V battery on the right (yellow wires) controlling the 9V power supply on the left (red and black wires).

The strange part is I knew all along the neighbor was going to pull those cable TV wires down. The main wire hung slightly lower than the roof of his mobile home. I just knew he wouldn’t check and he would rely on that clueless woman to help. Oh, she’s pretty, but she’s clueless. Nobody will call for repairs, since they were all connected illegally. (Anyone who’s lived in Canada automatically knows how to steal cable TV.)
Around a third of their number have not left yet. Within a day, they were at work, as a team, trying to reconnect their own service. But the guy ripped the wires right out of the distribution boxes up high on the telephone poles. He couldn’t have done more damage if he tried. As he dragged the cables along the street, his woman was screaming. Not at him to stop, but screaming to save her little dog from all the sparks.
Bingo was average but I may have to take a week off to emphasize that my show isn’t free. It costs money to put on a good show, plus a computer, disk burner, players, cables, cords, disks, planning, and things that are valuable if only because they take time. I’m thinking of not showing on the 30th, which will be a bad weekend anyway because it is rent week. It would remind people of how dry bingo can be when you don’t tip. And I could spend the weekend in Miami.
It tuckered me out y’day, but I connected a Canon printer that pretty much made up my mind to go with that brand. Purely by coincidence I got a callout for this wireless printer and was able to determine it does have a USB connection in a recess of the back panel. Compared to the bloated software requirements of Brother and HP, the Canon was a breeze.
Earlier, I may have misread the lack of an Ethernet connection [on newer model printers]. Let’s see if I can explain this right. The lack of an Ethernet cable and presence of a wireless is only a concern for a networked printer. I rarely network my home gear. The way they worded it, there was no direct connection at all, but they meant no direct connection that could be networked.
While working, I got talking to the owner, a lady with green eyes around my age. She has a parrot, meaning we were instantly on the same plane. Remember my budgie, Memphis? You can always tell a man by his pet. I never had to own a vicious dog or a macho convertible or get a hair weave or go into politics. (You see, guys, that’s because I’ve got a big yoyo.)
That single callout will probably make up my mind on the new printer. We got to chatting about what I like in women and she indicated she has a few acquaintances. It will be curious where that leads, as I certainly haven’t been meeting any contenders on my own lately. I’ve established that local women don’t do any of the things they say they like to do. Even my traditional approach doesn’t work in Florida. (That’s where you buy a woman’s magazine on where to meet men and go hang out there.)
My blog schedule says I must report the most outstanding event of today. That’s a poser. I didn’t go out. I drank coffee. It rained. I took a nap. What can I say? That I finally spent a day like 99% of the rest of Florida? I better point out some differences fast. Okay, I didn’t watch TV. I read books, non-fiction. I didn’t stay home because I was broke; there’s $450 in the cookie jar plus the bingo money in my pocket. I reviewed videos of my first trip to Okeechobee back in 2000, when I didn’t’ know what sugar cane was.
I set up the Yamaha and figured out the real chords to “This Kiss” and some original bass runs. I made rice and took all my pots and pans out of the cupboards and washed them for no reason. I double-checked my income tax projections for the next quarter, noting Texas is back in the picture. But other than that, I spent an average day at home.
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