Our favorite fugitive is still on the run. I hope Jason Derek Brown, whose rap sheet reads like a Who’s Who listing, is comfortably off. I take his side for a simple reason: he has never been convicted of anything and is therefore, in my not-so-humble opinion, the victim of a smear campaign. I believe people truly presumed innocent have the right to remain anonymous until after they are convicted.

It is well known cops really hate people smart enough not to talk to cops. It is also known a lot of people are in jail because they talked to cops. And the part that he is bisexual was obviously cooked up after they couldn’t make him sound bad enough with the truth. Here is his age-enhanced photo, showing the Feds expect us to believe he spent his loot on hair transplants.
A few idle replies from my new ad for a guitarist, nothing definite. This town is choked with guitarists blind to the reality they will never amount to a hill of whatever vegetable they grew in 1980-land. Fantasies of stardom is part of the game to keep them buying lessons. No serious inquiries arriving, mostly out of work types wanting something to do until they get discovered.
I chatted with Tex up at Guitar Center, who says they are next playing in August. It’s dispiriting when established bands aren’t getting regular work. She plays washboard with Boise Bob and his Backyard Band. They play odd material with a gutbucket (washtub bass). Myself, it’s as if I live in a room full of nobody guitarists who are terrified that playing a little country will tarnish their precious rock/blues image. Yeah, of themselves.
Country is a niche market that is vacant around here. The right local duo could wrap up things up. I saw this situation once before in my life, in the middle of the prairies. There was one country band, with one speed and one beat. There was nobody else, so they played every weekend. They were called “The Comets” which quickly became the vomits. They were never my heroes because they were so old. Like already in their twenties.
If you ain’t in the mood to learn anything today, skip ahead. My studies are going quite well. Today I blistered my brain reading about Integrated Circuits. Twenty-three pages of pure mental agony entirely worth it. I gotta smile, since parts of my old physics degree began to make sense. Like many fourth year students, I studied to pass exams, not to learn anything. That means, I passed tests about Binary Coded Decimal and logic gates without a clue what they were used for. Now, I am learning the missing parts.
If you look at a panel of four binary switches, they can represent decimal numbers 0 through 15 with binary values 0000 through 1111. Binary coded decimal uses 0000 through 1001, that is, 0 through 9 decimal. It ignores the other combinations, like 1011 and 1110. I always wondered why they bothered with that and see it has to do with least and most significant digits. That’s another concept I’ll have to relearn.
I will shortly redo that 7-segment LED using an Integrated Circuit. Unlike my university days, I now understand 1,000% of what is going on because I built one from scratch why just last month. And I can mentally walk through NAND and NOR gates with ease. Told ya it would happen, and I’m still in kindergarten.
The supercomputer is still acting up. Random cursor freezes and messages to restart the browser. I dropped by to see Dave-O, who has the amazing ability to sleep sitting up and looking like he is reading. He must have been a good college student. For all his wishing to get back to work, he is not near ready. I well know the early symptoms of guys who won’t admit they are disabled.
If you want to know 99% of what I know about electronics, you can visit All About Circuits . But you won’t learn more reading their forums. . Even their “super moderators” talk in circles. My half-career at the phone company taught me to recognize horse hockey a mile away. I asked specifically that nobody reply with links or advice to go back to school, and that’s how I encountered “bertus & beenthere”, who sent me links and advice to, you guessed it. You can also guess what I thought about that. You too, huh?
Last, I found a bottle of Old Spice, the aftershave, not the cologne. It’s the real McCoy from the company established 1938. The packaging carried the statement, “If your grandfather hadn’t worn it, you wouldn’t exist.” My family doesn’t believe in early marriages. My grandfather on my father’s side was born in 1857.
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