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Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4, 2011

           Here’s some slightly technical material, and an explanation in a moment why it is here. This is the progress on the tanking circuit. I’ve distressed that we cannot measure antenna strengths and cannot find anyone intelligent enough to teach us how. But we can detect and gauge SNR (signal to noise ratio) in radio waves. The good ones are louder. The theory behind what’s shown here is we will amplify those waves, rotating the antenna until we get the strongest signal. The amplifier will be the strangely-named Darlington.
           In case anyone’s forgotten, there is a formula for what I write each day. I conducted a six month survey before starting this blog and there is a strong inverse relationship between writing deep and writing long. I do my best to strike a balance, but I have never written deeply here or I would not be able to keep adding a little every day. Blogs too wide, too narrow, too easy, or too difficult don’t last, I believe the rule is one daily blog in ten thousand survives the first three months.

           I’ve half-finished Grisham’s “The Rainmaker”. It is a cut above his usual style and I can recommend it. It is fast moving, realistic to a fault, and exposes plenty of the inside dealings and collusion between supposed opponents in the court system. For a sample of lawyer humor, read Chapter 27. He expounds the advantage of having nothing to do, something I hope to begin experiencing this upcoming August.
           Big trouble in the economy. The much-touted upswing of early spring proves to be as phony as the news releases. It fizzled in a week. Since I’ve been expecting this for years, I won’t elaborate. However, let me pose this question. Is consumer spending really “down” or are consumers merely being forced to spend cash and thereby live within their true means?
           A lot of folks don’t understand that lowering of the money supply does not equate to less cash floating around. It indicates less credit. Without credit, you can’t spend what you don’t have. Don’t look at me; I haven’t used a credit card since 1996. This is why I am confident of buying a house for $5,000 soon. Nobody else has any cash and those with jobs will lose up to half their pay on interest charges for the next twenty years.

           Slothower. That’s the guy I could not remember, though it looks like one name you’d never forget. He’s the one that’s been consistently predicting the stock market collapses a week in advance. Look it up on your own, but now he has published that this is the year of the major US stock crash. Actually, I published it, too, but he’s rich and famous. The feds have manipulated the market past the survival range. The stubborn truth is that millions upon millions of new seniors are now about to cash out at the same time.
           The market is a pyramid scheme, a house of cards. I estimate this crash will wipe out the retirement funds of fifty million people. Hardest hit will be the traditional companies that have been, in my opinion, fraudulently posting successive gains to prop up their performance reports. I won’t say names, but look up the 120 companies in the daily paper whose stock prices have stayed between $30 and $60 for the past twenty years. Such performance is, put simply, nearly impossible. In America, business must continually grow or die, for it can never stay the same.
           On the other hand, the scooter is performing admirably again. Here is this morning’s trip for propane. I add that my austerity measures from the past few years are working better than ever. I can again see a new car, a new house, and a new retirement. Austerity is determined a lot by what you know.

           I know the trip to Home Depot shaves $5.40 off the propane price. If I had a car, I’d bite the five bucks and buy at the market two blocks away. Instead, I drive to Home Depot, since I also know driving the scooter only costs 31 cents. And a wonderful drive it is, what with no traffic on the roads these days. Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
           Oh, I know everyone likes to think they plan ahead. But if they did, some of them would right now today be getting a free ride instead of eating my dust. That is correct. If they had simply kept their promises to me, they would be living free in relative luxury instead of grubbing along the bottom with the smug idea they are smarter than everybody else.
           Did you see that item where the Malaysian police branded a bunch of prostitutes who tried to sneak into the crowd to pretend they were just club patrons? With a cattle branding iron. That is so wrong the police did that. Wrong, because they should also have branded all the men customers, too. No doubt the hookers will claim they were forced into prostitution by a cruel and male-dominated world, but will be at a loss for an explanation why the majority of other women are not.