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Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20, 2011

           I’d say this dude has enough camp gear on his motorcycle. Now you see why I’m fond of sidecars. What does all that gear weigh? And cost? Where does he lock up the expensive junk when he can’t be watching the bike? Is that load even legal? Call me still put off by the outrageous prices for any sidecar motorcycles, as in the $8,000+ for used ones. And that used Urals with only one wheel drive. These vehicles have a season and winter is around the corner.
           If you want to take the overnight train to Savannah, like I do, it costs $72.00. If you would like a bed to sleep in overnight, it costs $393. More than a New York hotel room. More than buying the bed. I balked at a cheap new camera not because of the price, but because it wasn’t in the budget. The old one gave out when it was hanging around my neck as I got splashed and soaked by a big truck. My year-end is not the time I choose to go even $10 over budget.

           Until my ticker acted up, I had a tradition of never spending my birthday in the city or even country where I lived. I have not spent so many birthdays at home since I got out of college in the 70s. It would be a pinch and squeeze job, but depending on how the next three weeks turn out, I may just manage something yet. I’ve missed my exact birth date before, that’s no biggie. Savannah is 550 miles by the coast road, or two days easy riding. The gas would cost $50 round trip. But accommodations and trusting the scooter are another consideration. And of course, I’m leery of advertised hotel rates because they always cost nearly twice the price. And beware of misleading titles.
           The half-week cooped up from the rain was a setback, retired or not, I have as active a lifestyle as I can manage. That doesn’t make today exciting when it really wasn’t. While I did study, I mainly puttered around. Baking chicken and turnips, flagging all the get-rich-quick schemes in the local Craigslist and I spent an hour in the library. It’s on the way home from paying the phone bill.
           It’s something I’d never have tried a short time back, but I soldered and repaired a 24V power transformer. That breaks my near-vow not to go near mains power. This was a pretty obvious repair and I didn’t electrocute myself, so I’m still the biggest enemy of the guitar players in this town. I stopped at the scooter store to see if they needed anything. Nope.

           I saw a Sennheiser on eBay for $139, again my timing was wrong. Sennheiser if a professional wireless microphone that normally costs up to ten times that. The owner was moving back to Europe and was selling out. Then to Barnes & Noble for the most expensive coffee in town, although I finding that place to be more like the library all the time—ever more shelves of stuff I don’t read. I’ve pretty much read all the textbooks and quality magazines. I would point out that one of the worst editions of Mechanics Illustrated I’ve ever seen is this month’s issue.
           The surviving book stores are really streamlining their stock. Tons of books on learning foreign languages and quilting. All you want on celebrity gossip and weight lifting. But still the same eight books on electronics since February. Around the only new thing I found was an article on the smallest one person tent yet invented, it packs up to about the size of a thermos and weights 1.4 pounds, sorry no pic. It was the price tag that made it too heavy. $429.00.

           Nor can I find any data on that new Rolls Royce battery that has triple the storage of anything I’ve seen. There was a manual on “painless writing” if you believe in such a thing. All the recent writing jobs are for monthly magazines which by design must cover shallow topics. Restaurant reviews, sports, community events and everything else I’m not interested in. I like community events except when the community attends them.
           Not that it was a bad day, but I’m hardly happy. Even the crossword was evil, one of those with clues that you can’t know without watching endless afternoon TV. How do I know who did the voice of Mildred the Cow? I further noticed that the worse people spell and punctuate on the Internet, the more they defend it as a sign of superior intelligence. I checked my dating line and I’d say unless you claim to be a millionaire, you get zero first contacts from women. Women that stay single too long go feral. They start asking for directions to the self-help section.
           Most unusual input today was the discovery of caverns on the moon. According to scientists, the presence of natural holes under the surface would be a tremendous boon to setting up a base. Something about simply inflating a rubber pipe and moving in. Furthermore, if the holes turn out to be lava tubes instead of sink holes, who knows how deeply they could explore the subsurface? They might even find Elvis.

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