Happy Pearl Harbor Day. I mean, Happy Birthday, Eatmore. That babe [Judy] goes back a lot of years, so far back that I was in love and didn’t know what it was. Today didn’t give me time to think about it, I dove 62 miles to get a replacement hard drive. So actually, I did have time to think. Sixty-two miles is a marathon in Florida. The scooter shines like new, but it isn’t.
Dirk has not properly meshed with any band that I’ve been present with. That’s hard to argue with that unless you were there. Were you? They say I should not ask a pro to do boom-chick; I reply why not? You say give him the right band and he’ll be fantastic; I reply all Hell needs is water and good people. The show is on, Friday the 16th. It is country based music and that is understood. This could be interesting.
By that token, I’d better get my rhythm playing up to speed. I’m not too worried if I don’t, since the best tunes I do are not guitar-pickin’ standards. I traditionally do well when the audience is well-stocked with well-stacked women. That isn’t so surprising when you ask where a chick could go in this town to hear Faith Hill, Nancy Sinatra, & Mary Chapin Carpenter. Macho guitarists won’t dare touch that stuff. (On the other hand, I can play any music I please, because I have a rather large ah-ah.)
The trip was a loss, as it was the motherboard. Some of the dll files won’t load properly into RAM during the initial install process. This is time-consuming, so I watched antenna TV. I once predicted I’d be seeing all these movies for the first time later in life. I didn’t say they’d be any more interesting but they certainly are corny past the point of amusing. How about the bad guy hiding out “in a little place near Alberta” or paying for a week at the hotel with a ten dollar bill?
The waves are full of ancient Pearl Harbor reels. That attack may very well be the only thing the Japanese did right, and even then they didn’t follow up. One thing that wasn’t faked was the panic, whipped up by the media. Folk from the Dakotas to New York, famed for their firm grasp on geography, were convinced the Japs would be marching down Main Street. (Many still are today.) It doesn’t really matter if Americans know where the enemy is, only that they believe he exists. IQ test: is it Iran or Iraq on the west side near Israel? How many of us could identify most countries if the map was upside down?
I’ve finished reading the new book. At $25, provided less than a week of reading. I need to find a less expensive source of material. The book leaves you hanging in air, but claims you are now qualified to take on major projects. Like what? I tried several on-line colleges to find the list of texts required for their electronics courses, but they don’t publish that information. Maybe I’ll find out if they have a used book store on some nearby campus. Cost is a factor, these are textbooks, not romances, and I read 24 of them a year. That’s in addition to regular reading, newspapers, magazines and Internet publications.
Later, the scooter trip account may be misleading. The outlet is only 11 miles away. It was late afternoon, so I took 441 and decided to just keep on going. While it was cool outside, I was still riding a motorcycle into the wind in the dead of winter. Try that in Montana. With 5,200 miles clocked, the scooter is now reaching early middle age. I have plan for replacement and no plan where the money is to come from. I learned this behavior from the Social Security people.
And the free WiFi? It is still just a sign on the office door. It is nearly Xmas and only half the seasonal lots are occupied. There’s only one thing left to do. Raise the rent. But wait, they tried that last year when only ¾ of the lots were occupied. Shouldn’t somebody start waving a flag or start a limited engagement war or something?
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