If I didn’t show this amp before, oops. If I did, here it is again. This is the Radio Shack contraption that emulates the MP3 show I invented on my own back in 2006. See the cradle for your smart phone? This is more of a toy, but the concept is spot on. It lacks the oomph for anything serious. The point is I beat them to the concept long ago, which shows I don’t wait for things to happen when I need them. Watch out, world, when I get back in the saddle.

Don’t get the impression this book is only a collection of the choice facts I present, it is far more. It is a balanced presentation. How many people know the Belgrano, the Argentine cruiser sunk in the Falklands, had been a gift from the US some 38 years earlier? Some say that isn’t important to know, but a lot of these same people think South America builds their own warships when in fact, we give it to them to use against us. Not knowing that is very important.
I know far too many people who have been missing this level of information when they formed their half-baked opinions. They think the Jews stole Israel and crap like that. This book is a swift kick in the ass to the closed-minded who suppose they know all about that era because they lived through it. Not so, most of them. They are woefully ignorant of most of the details in this book, I can guaranty that.
Such a nice day, I read outside for two hours and followed up with my monthly review of finances. Hooray, I think, as am now back to 1% of my former wealth. That’s wealth, not income, for any bozo can have income. Since I only work because I wasn’t born rich (that’s not to insinuate I would sit around if I had been), that just means I lost 99% of what I worked for in this life. Let none forget that this new wealth is finding around me a ready-made and time-tested environment that will eventually skyrocket me back to where I belong. Lest we forget it already saved me once and I drove a vehicle throughout.
Was last night’s Karaoke an anomaly? Did I really deliver the wow? Several of the women I approached, it turns out, did not see me on stage but were astonished to learn I was the singer of the song they just loved. It’s the way the place is set up, the stage has a bar all along the front, so the crowd is twenty feet back. You don’t see the singer unless you are looking. After the first five pitiful attempts, nobody was looking.
The house intentionally turned down the PA by my second tune, though whether they did this because I was out-classing the regulars is unknown. But I did have men strangers at the bar point out women who were giving me the look before the first time I sang. The big word is “before”, while I was still the next gronk at the counter. Then they heard me sing, and oh, did I sing.
My synopsis is that women in that club are inured to pretty boys, of which I am not a specimen. The place was full of heroes, to be sure. Nor was it my appearance, I’m not even average in a stud bar, plus I got there late and was sitting behind a partition. But if you want to measure confidence and personality impact, that’s a separate issue. There can be little doubt a lot of the women present had radar set to that frequency. Yeah, now watch me go there for the next six months and find nothing.
Colorado was on the line for several hours tonight. Marion is getting divorced after twenty years. Both of our situations are too mercurial to strategize, but plans that traditionally worked for us have been resurrected. We make perfect roomies, and are likely to share a place at least part of the year. Neither of us thinks of returning back north, so we would with some assurances be in Colorado or Texas, but probably Colorado.
This eclipses all other of my schemes; my primary concern is to get out there for a visit soon. Neither of us will ever marry again, the division of assets will be as it always was before. She is the only person I ever let drive my Cadillac, you know. It was her and I that spent most of those incredible days on the Oregon coast together. We have been constant friends for well over thirty some years now.
Sadly, her health is deteriorating rapidly where mine has stabilized and the consensus is we don’t have that much time. We will travel together, and we have a mutually supportive framework in dozens of areas, something only possible with absolute faith in each other’s judgment. We’ve certainly stood the test of time.
This is all in the future, but as near in that future as can be. It was unintentional how I put down very deep roots in Florida, so there may be some arrangements made over that—she knows I cannot tolerate cold winters and hot summers. Last, never forget we are two people that have more in common than can be imagined. And throughout life, this outcome was never really erased from the back of our minds. Watch for rapid changes once things get underway.
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